The original source that backs @Nutrient's claim.
BTW you should stay calm, don't let your excitment undermine your credibility.
I'm having a look at the paper and the graphics in particular.
Claim 1. The virus came from the US because only the USA has 5 strains
We know the first identified case was in Wuhan in early December.
The 13 samples in the USA were taken after 22 January, which means the virus was circulating for almost 2months in Wuhan, before the lockdown.
Conclusion: So those 13 samples of 5 different groups in the USA could all have originated elsewhere.
Claim 2. The virus started in the Wuhan Seafood market
The Group C virus is what has caused a serious outbreak in Hubei.
But H15 and H13 (in Group A) are likely the ancestral haplotypes via H3 (in Group B)
So Group A mutated into Group B.
Then Group B mutated into Group C
And it is Group C which is the virulent strain we see today in Wuhan, Korea, Italy, Iran etc.
But inside China, Group A was barely found in Hubei. In fact, it only turns up in larger numbers in Guangdong when they start testing around January 10th.
We also see a case in Group B appear in Wuhan around January 4th, but with no connection to the seafood market.
COVID-19 likely didn't originate from the Wuhan Seafood Market.
The original source was probably elsewhere, and that the virus has already been circulating for sometime, before it mutated from Group A to Group B. Then finally into Group C in Wuhan.
My suspicion falls onto the wet markets in the Guangdong area (or possibly Hong Kong) which tested for a significant number of the ancestor Group A virus early on (around Jan 10th), once they actually started looking for a new virus.
But we'll know for sure once more samples are available.
Graphics below
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