Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Senior Member
So basically the so called game changer Pfizer pill is pretty much useless.
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They keep mentioning high risk but wat is defined as high risk? We have already been told it more effective for Patients at risk of serious illness, does that mean all hospitalized patients? Although I read it is only effective if administered within 5 days of symptoms. China bought alot of pills I hope they aren't worthless. If they at least reduce deaths then I guess it isn't completely worthless.

Interesting, just saw the link in middle of that article.
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So the top covid guy in US got covid again, and had to take paxlovid again, wat a shambles


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本土病例64例 new symptomatic cases (Gansu 甘肃30例 and Guangdong 广东17例 and Hainan 海南7例 and Shanghai 上海6例 and Inner Mongolia 内蒙古1例)

本土368例 new asymptomatic cases (Guangxi 广西165例 and Henan 河南51例 and Gansu 甘肃41例 and Shanghai 上海41例 and Guangdong 广东39例 and Jiangsu 江苏13例 and Shandong 山东9例 and Fujian 福建3例)


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Canada will also be getting COVID vaccines for kids as young as 6 months. Although by this point the vast majority of kids (anyone that goes to daycare/kindergarden/school) have already gotten COVID at least once, if not more.
There's no freaking way I would let my baby as young as 6 months to get covid-19 vaccine just to become the guinea pig for the medical industry to find out it's effects and deficiencies on babies. These folks will only do a mea culpa decades later and say sorry and all that bull s..t when the science is clear that God forbid this shit is all but x,y,z....I hope to goodness am just being overly paranoid, but as of now hell no for me.