April 5th
Zhang Boli is one of the receivers of the title "People's Hero" together with Zhong Nanshan for their contribution in the fight of Pendamic. What he said now is what the central government want to say. In the interview, he said,
The whole country supports Shanghai to supress the development of the outburst in Shanghai, especially (people) must reject the wrong idea that "omicron is a flu like, measures are over-reaction", "severe case is low, mortality is low, no need to act unpropotional". Some government agencies do NOT follow orders, do what they want." We must absolutely follow the plan by the central government......
Most of official criticisms during the past two years were about individual officials incompetence and neglect of duty, not something like this on organization (部门) level.
Mars 26th
An earlier report (Mars 26) on Wu Fan who is the member of the pandemic task-force of Shanghai, deputy head of Fudan University Hospital.
She said
She refuted the suggestion of full lock-down of Shanghai for just 3, 5 days of a week by emphasizing economical impact of a lock-down.
Mars 28th
Shanghai was locked down. Immediately afterwards doctors and nurses and PLA from the whole country went in, a repetition of Wuhan except Wuhan wasn't prepared being the first.
From this time line of events, I think Shanghai's pandemic task-force had an approach different from the rest of the country. The leadership insisted on that approach until the last minute (Mars 26th) even a layman could see it is not working. Then the central government stepped in during that weekend and changed the course on 28th. About a week later the central government is still trying to keep people to walk in the same line.
There is room for local adaptation and experiment of how to handle pandemic. For that Shanghai leadership should not be blamed. Experiment may lead to unfortunate failures, for that Shanghai leadership should not be blamed. But when a layman can see the disaster coming, the leadership especially a high rank medical professional should have changed her mind instead of defending the failing policy. It is even worse that this medical professional made her decision/recommendation NOT based on medical terms but economical terms. That is not her business, nor should she have said so on behalf of the political leadership (the mayor or the party chief). For this reason, I think either Wu Fan or the party chief or both are responsible for what is happening.