Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
One of the main concerns of mRNA vaccines recipients is whether the vaccine continues to stay in the body.

Why only now do we hear news of it converted to DNA in the liver cells?

Yeah fuck this. I only took Pfizer because of employment reasons. Stupid corporatism.


I wanted to wait for the Chinese vaccines.

Now my liver is going to oxidise or something thanks to Pfizer.

Although I wouldn't mind if my liver mutates and allows me to drink alcohol nonstop.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
One of the main concerns of mRNA vaccines recipients is whether the vaccine continues to stay in the body.

Why only now do we hear news of it converted to DNA in the liver cells?

That's an in vitro study (animal). Have any evidence from in vivo (human)?