I think the only way out of this is natural exposure and herd immunity. When OC43 struck in 1889 and H1N1 struck in 1918, the population was exposed quickly, developed herd immunity, and pandemic was over within 2 years. Without natural immunity which constantly boosts the immune system, and I'm talking about exposure to the virus on a daily basis, it would take a long time for a pandemic to transition to endemic.
Vaccine won't get you out of this pandemic, not with a virus like a common cold or flu. The only way out is daily exposure to the virus. Only sustained herd immunity can keep people from hospitalization and death.
Pandemic of 1918 may have longer lasting consequences that led to the economic disasters the years after. Decline of population growth. Decline of business and investment activity and growth. Decline in productivity. Decline in the availability of basic goods, leading to inflation where the supply of commodities is contracted against a high money supply.
If vaccines won't protect you, neither will natural immunity. These are only both the same road to inspire the body to create antibodies, with vaccines allowing you a more controlled, preemptive path to immunity without getting sick and letting Charles Darwin handle the rest.
It is not demonstrated that people that have recovered from covid is shown to be less vulnerable than those that have been vaccinated. In fact, the opposite has been true. We also have people with long covid, this means the people never sufficiently recover from the disease, or the disease remains in them for a longer extended period of time, allowing the virus to mutate around the body's defenses.
If these people want natural or evolutionary determined immunity, then these people should stop taking Ivermectin or any quack medicine.