Lieutenant General
The ignorant CNN reporter who wrote the article should stay on top of the medical development relating to the Covid-19 virus. In the last few days, a leading Chinese scientist discovered that recovered patients may still have traces of the virus that can continue to infect other people. He recommended that recovered patients should still self quarantine for 14 days. This explains the incidence in the CNN article.
Below are two news articles on the finding, one from Newsweek and one from SCMP.
Calling such news media bias will not change their attitude. Countering them with facts will. FACTS DO MATTER.
Or it can be a complete fabrication... I posted before of a person I know who's an animal rights activist pointing out to me about how Chinese citizens are criticizing the government's handling of this crisis. If this were true, are these the very same people who unleashed this virus by eating wild animals they shouldn't be eating? So who's the one that should be taking responsibility of their own actions? This animal rights activist didn't see that? Instead he wanted to point out to me how the government failed because citizens are complaining. In my opinion it was a fabrication or spin by the media that has an anti-China agenda. Just like how hard would it be for this video to be recorded anywhere in the world and lie saying it was taken in Wuhan? Just like those notes found in Made in China products from supposed workers claiming to being enslaved in China that plead for the West for help. Or I remember a journalist claiming to be in Tibet who claims he was in an empty police station and recorded a piece of paper taped to a wall that said in English that actor Brad Pitt was banned in Tibet. Why not in Chinese in a Chinese police station? Personally I know a guy since childhood and he's always resented that I'm not ashamed of being Chinese. So all these years I've known him whenever I come across him he'll try to slip in an insult about Chinese people. So recently we crossed paths and in conversation he brought up out of the blue how in China they were pouring Corona beer down the sink thinking that will stop the coronavirus. I said they don't drink Corona in China. His insult was like automatic because once I said that, he realized how embarrassingly stupid his comment was and told me to forget about it. He didn't site a news story or nothing. It just automatically popped-up in his racist little mind. These journalist are the same. They just know the conclusion of their story and they just make stuff up without thinking how their story leads there flawed logic and all.