Why... is it a new political/economic environment it's going to create Can you please elaborate? We do not get very much news about Canada.Canada is f---ed.
Why... is it a new political/economic environment it's going to create Can you please elaborate? We do not get very much news about Canada.Canada is f---ed.
Why... is it a new political/economic environment it's going to create Can you please elaborate? We do not get very much news about Canada.
There's actually more grounds to sue India for negligence than China; assuming COVID was natural and not an american bioweapon, China was simply the first nation to identify it; India simply allowed COVID infected travellers to infect the rest of the world, even forging COVID certificates that resulted in outbreaks in australia and PNG.
And I bet they still think they can sue China for it.
I saw this on Fareed Zakaria's show mentioning an Economist article linking COVID-19 deaths in a country with inequity in a country. The more inequity, the more deaths and it also mentions more spent on health care for the rich had little effect but more money spent on the poor did affect the numbers. I can't see the article because of the paywall. Not sure if China was studied because they said 80 countries were involved. So are they saying China has lesser inequity since it's handled COVID-19 better than most? We always hear charged there's lot of inequity in China but this studies' logic seems to counter it if that's the case.