Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


The Health director-general of Malaysia says that the effectiveness of Sinovac and Pfizer are about the same based on studies in Chile and Israel.

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He cited a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine on July 7 which detailed the use of the Sinovac vaccine in Chile from February to May.

“Sinovac was found to reduce Covid-19 infection by 65.9%, reduce hospitalisation by 87.5%, reduce ICU admissions by 90.3% and reduce deaths by 86.3%,” he said in a Facebook post on Tuesday (July 20).

He added that the study had looked at 4.2 million fully-vaccinated people against 5.5 million unvaccinated residents, as well as having documented 218,784 Covid-19 cases.

“In contrast, the Pfizer trial which reported an efficacy of 95% was very small and analysed only 170 Covid-19 cases – eight in the vaccinated group and 162 in the unvaccinated group,” he said.

He added that Israel's Ministry of Health pointed out that the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against the infection fell to 64% since June 6, although it was still 93% effective against hospitalisation and serious illness.

“Therefore, there is not much difference between the Sinovac and Pfizer vaccines in actual practical use. Both are very effective at preventing severe disease and hospitalisation, but less effective against mild or asymptomatic Covid-19,” he said.


Registered Member
The Health director-general of Malaysia says that the effectiveness of Sinovac and Pfizer are about the same based on studies in Chile and Israel.

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Excellent article. But its so unfortunate that it has come this late. The false narrative of "Pfizer is 95%, while Sinovac is 50%" has already gone mainstream. There are too many people ridiculing Sinovac as little more than 'saline water'. This is the problem with media today. News that gets out first becomes the dominant narrative. Plus, it is much faster to craft a lie than present the truth. All of this creates a potent mix of misinformation going mainstream. Frustrating and saddening at the same time.


Lieutenant General
Excellent article. But its so unfortunate that it has come this late. The false narrative of "Pfizer is 95%, while Sinovac is 50%" has already gone mainstream. There are too many people ridiculing Sinovac as little more than 'saline water'. This is the problem with media today. News that gets out first becomes the dominant narrative. Plus, it is much faster to craft a lie than present the truth. All of this creates a potent mix of misinformation going mainstream. Frustrating and saddening at the same time.
As the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

How many times have the western MSM pulled this kind of BS? Yet the same people still keep falling for it every time.

To be cold, it may take the thousands or even millions of needless Covid deaths that will result from these western MSM deliberate misinformation and smear campaigns for people of the world to truly wake up from their brainwashing and see the western MSM and their local traitorous cousins and helpers for what they really are - agents and foot soldiers of the west, who’s sole purpose and goal is the promotion and protection of western interests at the expense of everyone else.


Registered Member
Excellent article. But its so unfortunate that it has come this late. The false narrative of "Pfizer is 95%, while Sinovac is 50%" has already gone mainstream. There are too many people ridiculing Sinovac as little more than 'saline water'. This is the problem with media today. News that gets out first becomes the dominant narrative. Plus, it is much faster to craft a lie than present the truth. All of this creates a potent mix of misinformation going mainstream. Frustrating and saddening at the same time.
That is part of the reason why the west appears so dominant now is due to the media away slandering away at China non stop but also this could be a major failing in the sense that image of China being some generic super villain nation ultimately takes away from the depth and ultimately the real strengths of the Chinese people along with the true capabilities of what China has in turns of war weapons that I highly doubt the media knows much about other then lots of blind speculation. This could prove to be the undone of the west in the sense that they are once again making a fatal mistake, continuous under estimating China and basically the current position they are now in right now with so many of there plans in the Middle East, chiefly there disgraceful retreat from Afghanistan shows that they are now much weaken then what they once were. Sooner or later, they will lose, it’s a matter time


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Even Americans can see through their own mainstream media's blatant bullshit, and Americans don't trust their own MSM.

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So yea, they can bash China all they want, but if MOST Americans already distrust their MSM, then clearly the Anti-China propaganda will be significantly less effective than otherwise. It actually might backfire and generate sympathy for China since MSM's portray of China is heavily skewed one-sided, which is consistent of bullshit bias that Americans already recognize to be true.


Lieutenant General
Even Americans can see through their own mainstream media's blatant bullshit, and Americans don't trust their own MSM.

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So yea, they can bash China all they want, but if MOST Americans already distrust their MSM, then clearly the Anti-China propaganda will be significantly less effective than otherwise. It actually might backfire and generate sympathy for China since MSM's portray of China is heavily skewed one-sided, which is consistent of bullshit bias that Americans already recognize to be true.
The trick is everything bad they report about China they believe it's true because the media wouldn't lie.