Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


I'm lost for words. We are doing, I'll tell you. It's the Tories playing politics with our lives.

Britain’s Jaw-Dropping Stupidity is a Danger to the World

Britain’s Decided to Let Covid Rip, and the Consequences Will Be Disastrous. How Can Any Country Be This Foolish?

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Britain needs to be put under quarantine like it's 28 days later.


Registered Member
I'm lost for words. We are doing, I'll tell you. It's the Tories playing politics with our lives.

Britain’s Jaw-Dropping Stupidity is a Danger to the World

Britain’s Decided to Let Covid Rip, and the Consequences Will Be Disastrous. How Can Any Country Be This Foolish?

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The majority of the people are celebrating like its 1999 and they don’t seem to have any cares in the world.
I did comment on the bad the situation is and I get instantly deleted. Oh well, when the people are getting infected at 100k a day, when the dead are in the thousands a day, when the doctors and nurses basically give up and when the olympics have people dropping dead from covid mid performance on live TV, it will be too late and then the world will go to shit. The only good that can come from this is well since the western media has work day and night to demonise China and hide the extent of the India disaster to the world while spreading all this misinformation about how the west is doing well, is that a very large number of the media in the UK and the western world by extension are going to die from this new outbreak and I doubt anyone is going to disagree that for the crimes of basically acting as an arm of evil, that this is a bad thing and heck I might actually enjoy myself watching these evil lying scum die in vast numbers


Registered Member
I'm lost for words. We are doing, I'll tell you. It's the Tories playing politics with our lives.

Britain’s Jaw-Dropping Stupidity is a Danger to the World

Britain’s Decided to Let Covid Rip, and the Consequences Will Be Disastrous. How Can Any Country Be This Foolish?

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That's the price you pay for "freedom" in a free and Democrazy society. Ruled by self-interest ND profits over actual human lives what you get is chaos. But hey, that's the Anglo-Saxon way.


Registered Member
The majority of the people are celebrating like its 1999 and they don’t seem to have any cares in the world.
I did comment on the bad the situation is and I get instantly deleted. Oh well, when the people are getting infected at 100k a day, when the dead are in the thousands a day, when the doctors and nurses basically give up and when the olympics have people dropping dead from covid mid performance on live TV, it will be too late and then the world will go to shit. The only good that can come from this is well since the western media has work day and night to demonise China and hide the extent of the India disaster to the world while spreading all this misinformation about how the west is doing well, is that a very large number of the media in the UK and the western world by extension are going to die from this new outbreak and I doubt anyone is going to disagree that for the crimes of basically acting as an arm of evil, that this is a bad thing and heck I might actually enjoy myself watching these evil lying scum die in vast numbers
They will simply rinse and repeat that it's CHYNA'S fault. Incompetence and lunacy resulting in unfortunate but predictable tragedy who you gonna call and blame? CHYNA!! Then the morons of the freedom loving (give me liberty or give me death) peons in the west will simply accept that accusation as fact and all is well in their world of alternative facts and reality.


They will simply rinse and repeat that it's CHYNA'S fault. Incompetence and lunacy resulting in unfortunate but predictable tragedy who you gonna call and blame? CHYNA!! Then the morons of the freedom loving (give me liberty or give me death) peons in the west will simply accept that accusation as fact and all is well in their world of alternative facts and reality.

The idea is to make it a bigger scapegoat to blame on Chyna. The more the fatality the bigger the scapegoat you can blame your enemy on.


Registered Member
They will simply rinse and repeat that it's CHYNA'S fault. Incompetence and lunacy resulting in unfortunate but predictable tragedy who you gonna call and blame? CHYNA!! Then the morons of the freedom loving (give me liberty or give me death) peons in the west will simply accept that accusation as fact and all is well in their world of alternative facts and reality.
True but their will come a time when these people must face the music and thus that will the moment when the whole alternative media non sense will be undone. Especially when China is far more dominant and the west has its population greatly reduced due to pure stupidity to the point where they simply will not matter. I hope to be one of the few to survive and witness a future where China can show the world how real leadership is done and put the west in its place permanently since it is abundantly clear that the west cannot lead for shit with all the mistakes and wars they brought to the world. They seem to think their are no consequences for their actions and that the USA government cannot be punished in anyway


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, we see that in the latest large cluster at Bukit Merah View, 31 of the 85 infected (or 36%) were fully vaccinated. The first case in the cluster was a fully vaccinated individual who tested positive on June 10th after experiencing COVID symptoms, which means the actual infection happened at least several days before that.

Singapore fully vaccinated 32% of its population by June 7th, 34% by June 14th, and 35% by June 21st. So, the fully vaccinated actually make up a slightly higher fraction of the latest Bukit Merah View cluster than in the general Singapore population!

Of course, the population exposed to the Bukit Merah View market may have vaccination rates that differ from the general Singapore population, e.g., if mostly older people are exposed and older people tend to have higher vaccination rates. However, viewing the cluster by age, we see that the median age in the cluster is somewhere between 40 and 50, at most only a little higher than Singapore's overall median age of 42 years, so vaccination rates of the population exposed by the Bukit Merah View cluster is unlikely to differ dramatically from that of Singapore overall.

Given the available data about the Bukit Merah View cluster, it is highly unlikely that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have anywhere close to the ~95% efficacy against infections that Western media likes to claim while putting down the "low" efficacy of Chinese vaccines. The high ~95% efficacy of the mRNA vaccines is for prevention of moderate and severe disease, against which the Chinese vaccines also have similar efficacies. Before the Singapore results, we didn't have any data on how well the mRNA vaccines work in preventing asymptomatic and mild infections as none of the other countries using the mRNA vaccines had vigorous contact tracing and testing programs that tried to catch all infections. Now with the Singapore data, as well as the Mongolian data where we have Pfizer and Chinese vaccines being used in the same setting, we have some pretty strong evidence that the mRNA vaccines are not significantly more effective than the inactivated Chinese vaccines despite the much higher risk of side effects with the mRNA vaccines.

Israel's data on infections by the delta variant shows the same thing as the Singapore data. Pfizer's true real world effectiveness against infections by the delta variant is basically zero.

It appears more and more that there is no significant difference in effectiveness between the mRNA vaccines and China's inactivated virus vaccines. All have good effectiveness against death and hospitalization but poor effectiveness against overall infections.


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Western vaccine not very effective? UK's infection rate is back to winter peak. As I said, vaccine alone just won't cut it. UK is committing national suicide.

In other news, here is China's position on WHO's phase 2 investigation of the COVID-19 origin:
Reuters: The World Health Organization on Friday proposed a second phase study into the origin of the coronavirus in China, including all the laboratories and markets in Wuhan. And they called for transparency from the Chinese authorities. Will China commit this second phase specifically? If so, does it have a timeline? Will it make an order on the laboratories as part of this second phase?

Zhao Lijian: The work plan on the second phase origins study proposed by the WHO Secretariat is at odds with the position of China and many other countries on the issue. At the briefing of WHO member states on July 16, China and many other countries have elaborated their views on this issue. Here, I would like to stress the following points:

First, a resolution of the 73rd session of the World Health Assembly clearly requests the WHO Director-General to continue to work closely with countries to identify the zoonotic source of the virus and the route of introduction to the human population. The next phase of origins study should comply with this request and be led by member states. We hope that the WHO will have full communication and consultation with member states, listen to and take the advice of all parties, and ensure that the drafting process of the work plan is open and transparent.

Second, in January this year, international experts from the WHO and Chinese experts formed a joint team and conducted joint research for 28 days in China. On March 30, the WHO issued a joint report, which includes clear conclusions and science-based recommendations for the next phase global origins study. It concluded that lab leak is extremely unlikely, and recommended conducting further research around earlier cases globally and further understanding the role of cold chains and frozen foods in the transmission of the virus. The conclusions and recommendations of the report should be respected and upheld, and fully reflected in the work of the next phase origins study. The joint letter of 54 countries to the WHO Director-General the other day also stressed this point.

Last but not least, origins study is a serious scientific issue that requires cooperation of global scientists. We are concerned about certain countries’ politicization of the issue. We hope the WHO can adhere to the spirit of science, professionalism and objectivity and work with the international community to jointly uphold the seriousness and scientific nature of origins study, resist the backlash of politicization and safeguard the sound atmosphere of global anti-epidemic cooperation.
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