
Just Hatched
Registered Member
Prototypes will not, but the plane is already in service.
They have 5 prototypes. Comac can keep 1 or 2 for testing future upgrades and deliver the rest of them to airlines. Just like Boeing and Airbus do with their airplanes. It might take some time to modify these airframes to airline specs.


under certification process..

View attachment 133367

the way things going between US and China in semiconductor field. i wouldn't be surprise if we see CJ-1000 under C919 wings by next year end..

CJ-1000 final assembly line is running hot.. Engine is producing for certificate process.. double digit units have already produced.
The first 4 Chinese characters on the second line in the big screen said it. 加速推进=Moving (forward) at increasing speed (for CJ-1000 certification works.....).

I wonder what is the quantity of LEAP engines already shipped to COMAC. I hope they have enough in inventory for the next 3 to 5 years production of C919.