Climate Change and Renewable Energy News and Discussion


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Can we talk about the crazy record breaking weather this year? Seems like things are going crazy way faster then expected, with heatwaves, floods, wildfires, droughts etc etc making life hell for a record number of people. Seems like the worse-case climate predictions are coming true and that it's probably gonna get worse and worse from now on.

Honestly, while a shrinking population is bad for the economy, in times like this I'm glad that China has a shrinking population. If things continue to degrade, finding 2 square meals and 1L of water a day is going to be a increasing difficult task, especially when recent global crop yields in the past 2 years have been horrible and the food supply isn't likely to improve anytime soon. Countries like India that are growing their population by a few million a year are really going to struggle with food and water shortages and other realities of a warming world, like the fact that not having air conditioner means that there's a good chance that you're gonna to die during a heatwave, or the floods and wildfires that come with a warming world.

In that regard, I wonder if the recent heavy rainfall in northeastern China was just a result of a freak typhoon or just a permanent change in the weather pattern there. Various climate models have shown that northern china will receive more rainfall in a warming world. Although a hotter world will naturally result in more and stronger typhoons, so northern china will get more rainfall either way. Northern china might have to start seriously preparing for some serious flooding events in the future, more then the "normal" especially around the typhoon season. Which is a sliver lining, though floods are bad, I would much rather have floods than droughts, at least you can plan and engineer around floods, you can't really do shit vs a bad drought. Although if northern china does getting most of their rainfall via typhoons like say Taiwan does or India does it's monsoon season, then it should get serious about storing the rainfall it gets during this limited periods.

For migration strategies, Beijing might have to start planning and acting on some now. Better infrastructure and city planning for floods and heatwaves is needed. More reservoirs, more drains, never building a city in a depression or downhill area. Offering incentives to move people from the hotter south to the northen-most regions. If northern China's rainfall pattern does alter to give the region a lot more rain, I wonder if it's worth it to build a east-west water transfer project, start pumping water to Xinjiang and inner monglina to green those deserts. A lot more use of more radical GMO for crops to thrive under even the most drastic weather conditions.


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(Bloomberg) -- The world is spending more money than ever in renewable energy, most of it on solar power in China, according to a report from BloombergNEF.

China accounted for about half of a record $358 billion global investment in renewable energy in the first half of this year, thanks to cheaper modules, a robust rooftop PV market and the commissioning of energy megabase projects, according to the report. The US was a distant second.

Still, US investments in solar soared 75% from the first half of 2022 to $25.5 billion as supply chain constraints eased and clarity grew around the landmark Inflation Reduction Act, according to analysts, including Meredith Annex. The growth in solar outshone struggling wind investments, particularly for onshore projects.

The US was the top market for venture capital and private equity investments in renewables with a record $3.3 billion.


Registered Member
that's possible. I had a discussion recently about this with David Fishman. There are reasons why CAP1400 only got 50% market share. For example, CGN can't operate CAP1400 due to being on entity list. Now, if China has 100% control over CAP1400, why would sanction on CGN matter here?

According to him at least, Chinese nuclear operators prefer CAP

Also note, no further CAP1400 will be approved until the demo reactor is complete and successful
bring this post here ..

@tphuang sir. i did some research and found some interesting information..

CAP1400 also called 'Guohe One' and its 100 percent localization have achieved this year ..

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Guohe One, a third-generation nuclear power technology independently developed by China’s State Power Investment Corporation, has driven the rise of many supply chain firms during the course of its development and has brought about the localization of the entire industry supply chain.

An atomic power industry chain system needs complete raw material support and supply, and the construction of this industry chain system has driven the country's entire basic industrial system for materials and equipment, Zheng Mingguang, chief designer of Guohe One, told Yicai Global.
David fishman posted this information in November 2022..

CAP1400 have achieved 92 percent localization and intentions to hit 100 percent by next year..

CAP1400 100 percent localized by 2023.jpg

in June this year. Zheng Mingguang, chief designer of Guohe One has officially announced 100 percent localization of CAP1400 .. post link above


it means Hualong 1 and Guohe 1 aka CAP1400 can very well serve China's ambitions of nuclear reactor exports to other countries..



Linglong-1 reactor has been hoisted in. another big step

Some images of the internal components of the Linglong-1 small modular reactor.
