Climate Change and Renewable Energy News and Discussion


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big hydrogen project in Inner Mongolia. 1GW of wind & solar energy to produce hydrogen. Phase 1 is for 500MW utilizing electrolyzers with 54 (1000Nm3/h electrolyzer) summing to 270MW max load (i guess they can use ESS for excessive power). Estimated to produce 22.1k ton of green hydrogen a year using 1.24TWh of electricity


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that's probably still in trial period,

you are thinking of something like this?
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or this?
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It makes a lot of commercial sense for them to do this so they can export it to Europe. Longer term, we are obviously going to have to move away from thermal based on steel plan

looks like Trina is also getting into hydrogen. 3rd solar player to do this after Longi & Sungrow
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This piece from HW before HR on the growth of Chinese solar to be very interesting



cost of solar is really cheap. Just 2500RMB/kw for home installations vs about 6000/kw for thermal & 12000/kw for nuclear. Even w/ 3x utilization on thermal, the lower operating cost of solar levels makes overall cost of solar to be cheaper than thermal

absorption rate of generated solar power was 98% in first half of the year. This is due to smart great & various forms of ESS (including pumped hydro) The more the grid can absorb excessive energy, the more distributed solar can be installed. Wind power explosion adds to this

Another positive for green energy is that it is not counted toward energy conservation & emission control quota. As such high energy consuming industries have huge demand for green energy. So for things like aluminum, China can keep these energy intensive industry because as long as green power is available for them.


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wow, just reading this about Shandong's nuclear plans and it's pretty impressive. 13GW by 2030, which would make it the largest nuclear expansion program than any country, probably.

also, I found out CGN and part of CNNC are entity listed, so they can't actually work with AP1000 project (well, maybe CNNC still can, but CGN definitely cannot). As such, CAP1400 (guohe-1) is restricted to SPIC projects mostly


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Northeast China just had it's worse flooding in decades, luckily deaths are on the low side and the rain is more or less over now. But a reminder to quickly lower carbon emissions asap and to built flood resistant infrastructure. On the plus side, the drought and heatwave over much of China is gone for now.

I wonder how much it would cost to built vast flood reservoirs or underground reservoirs to channel and store all this rainwater, or "pipelines" that allow for water to seep into the ground or aquifers much quicker than usual. Water is a precious resources with all this droughts springing up and this massive bursts of rainfall can provide years of water to a large city and restore a vast amount of groundwater over a period of days.