Civilian Aviation Technology


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the latest on China and the A-320 assembly. Looked like that assembly line cost 300 orders.
Oct. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Airbus SAS, trailing Boeing Co. in new
business this year, won an order from Chinese airlines for 150 A320
planes and agreed to set up a factory in Tianjin to win a greater
share of sales in the world's second-largest aviation market.
The factory in eastern China, Airbus's first final assembly
plant outside of Europe, will eventually produce as many as four of
the A320 planes a month, said Chief Executive Officer Louis
Gallois. The plane order is worth $10 billion at list prices.
``It's a very good step of cooperation between China and the
European industries,'' Gallois said at a press conference today in
Beijing. ``There will be more of these steps.'' Gallois is one of
more than two dozen chief executives accompanying French President
Jacques Chirac on a state visit to China.
Airbus has been rocked by delays in the 555-seat A380 model
and the success of Boeing's long-range 787 Dreamliner. The A380s
are now about two years behind schedule and cost overruns will
reduce parent company European Aeronautic, Defence & Space Co.'s
profit by 4.8 billion euros ($6.1 billion) through 2010.
``Airbus was way behind Boeing and this allows them to catch
up part of the way,'' said Pierre Boucheny, an analyst at Kepler
Equities in Paris who has a ``reduce'' rating on EADS. ``The
assembly line in China is a good thing for Airbus and the Chinese
are paying for it with orders.''
Shares of EADS rose as much as 97 cents, or 4.7 percent, to
21.79 euros and were up 3.9 percent at 2:37 p.m. in Paris. The
stock is down 32 percent this year compared with a 15 percent gain
for Chicago-based Boeing.

Skybus Order

Airbus today also won an order for 65 of the single-aisle A319
planes from Skybus, a new low-fare airline based in Columbus, Ohio.
At list price, the purchase would be worth $4.3 billion. Airlines
generally get substantial discounts for large orders. In standard
configuration, the A319s seat 124 passengers while A320s take 150.
The U.S. planemaker has been leading Toulouse, France-based
Airbus in orders this year by a margin of more than 3 to 1. Boosted
by demand for the 787, Boeing had orders for 753 planes through
Oct. 17 compared with 226 for Airbus through September, according
to figures on their Web sites. Airbus maintained its lead in
deliveries by 320 to 295 through September.
China has been one of Airbus's bright spots over the last five
years. According to the Ascend database of Airclaims, a London-
based consulting company, Airbus won orders for 333 planes compared
with 303 for Boeing between Jan. 1, 2001, and Sept. 14. Because the
U.S. company began selling planes in China years before Airbus, 63
percent of the 994 Western-built large commercial aircraft operated
in China as of Sept. 14 were Boeings, according to the database.

China Orders

The latest order for 150 of the single-aisle A320s comes on
top of a similar 150-plane purchase agreed upon in December, said
Airbus's China President Laurence Barron. The first of the 150
planes ordered today will be delivered in 2009, he said. The
Tianjin factory will begin operating in 2009 and get up to capacity
of four planes a month by 2011, Airbus said.
``The Tianjin plant will not have enough capacity to fill the
entire order by China so some of those planes will have to come
from elsewhere,'' Barron said.
China also signed a letter of intent to buy 20 Airbus A350
aircraft, which Airbus is redesigning to compete with Boeing's 787
model. The A350 carries a list price of between $158.6 million and
$182.6 million. Coupled with the A320 order, today's transaction is
the largest ever for Airbus in China, the company said today in a
faxed statement.
China ordered 150 Boeing 737s in two separate contracts from
November 2005. The Boeing 737 competes with the Airbus A320.

Economic Growth

Economic growth is spurring travel demand in China, the
second-largest air travel market after the U.S. Passenger numbers
will probably rise 17 percent in 2006, from 138.3 million last
year, the aviation regulator said on Sept. 12.
Travel demand in the country may grow at an annual rate of 8.7
percent until 2016, the London-based World Travel & Tourism Council
said in March.
The country's airlines are struggling to turn this rising
traffic into profit, as government restriction on ticket prices
have prevented them from raising fares enough to cover higher jet
fuel prices. Airlines in China lost 2.57 billion yuan ($325
million) in the first half, according to the country's aviation
Chinese airlines are among the world biggest buyers of single-
aisle aircraft, which carry about 150 passengers and are used
mainly on domestic routes of up to 3,000 nautical miles (5,556
The country is also spending a total of 140 billion yuan on
airports, as it seeks to develop flights to regional centers. The
country is expanding half of its 142 existing airports and plans to
build another 49 by 2010, the aviation regulator said on Sept. 12.
The number of airports will rise to 224 by 2020.
China orders aircraft centrally through the China Aviation
Supplies Import and Export Group, and then allocates them to
individual airlines.


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more on airbus assembly factory in Tianjian, it's creating 600 new jobs here.
ZHUHAI, China (XFN-ASIA) - Airbus said it will hire 600 staff for its new
assembly plant to be built in the northern Chinese port city of Tianjin.
Speaking at a media briefing at Airshow China, Laurence Barron, president of
Airbus China, said staff would be trained on the existing production line in
Hamburg, Germany.
Airbus announced last week that it would open an Airbus A320 assembly plant
that would eventually make four planes a month, with the first expected to be
completed in 2009.
Airbus will ship sections of aircraft from Hamburg to Tianjin for final
The construction of the plant, near Beijing, was announced last week, along
with China's purchase of 150 A320 aircraft.
Barron said some of the Chinese order would be made in Tianjin but some
planes would also be made for the European market.
He would not reveal further details about the plant or its future
development until it received final approval from the Chinese government, which
was preparing a formal feasibility report.
Airbus has estimated that China will need around 1,790 planes over the next
20 years.


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China believes that it will finish designing a large passenger plane in 5 years

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  新快报珠海讯 (特派记者 陈志龙 邢冉冉 通讯员 李意辉)在昨天的中国国际航空航天高峰论坛上,国防科工委副主任金壮龙表示,未来5年是我国航空航天事业的重要机遇期。

新浪抢宝广告免费 超新楼盘
买房答疑 城市生活新主张









according to AVIC, the other plans in the next 5 years including, space walk in 2008, orbit around the moon in 2010, and then talks about launching different space capsules.


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two more civil aviation news.
first around designing a really large passenger aircraft. I really doubt China is able to contribute much to this.
ZHUHAI. Nov 1 (Interfax-AVN) - Russia has offered China to jointly
develop a large civil and transport plane at the Airshow China-2006
international aviation and space show.
"We would like to launch a project to develop a large plane to
perform civil and transport missions," Federal Industry Agency head
Boris Alyoshin told Interfax-AVN on Wednesday.
"It will be a large-fuselage plane seating between 275 and 350
people that will have a transport version," Alyoshin said.
"It could be our first civil aviation project of this scope. In
fact, it could diversify relations between China and Russia, which were
previously focused on the military aspect," he said.
Alyoshin also said it would be a commercial project. "Reforms are
underway in China, including in the aircraft industry. They have been
shifting the accent from the budget-financed to commercial projects,
too, so both countries could benefit," he said.

And this is on 150 seats plane that China is planning
China's AVIC I sees capabilities extending to over 150-seat Page 1/1
aircraft - report
BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - State-owned Aviation Industry Corp I (AVIC I) believes
its manufacturing capabilities now extend to aircraft with over 150 seats,
making it a viable competitor to Boeing Co and Airbus in that segment, the China
Daily reported.
The experience of building medium- to long-range aircraft, such as the Y8
and the Y10, as well as earlier collaborations with McDonnell Douglas in
building MD-80s and MD-90s, has prepared AVIC I to be competitive in the
segment, the report said.
According to AVIC I's forecasts, China will need an additional 3,110 civil
aircraft from 2006 to 2025, 2,232 of which will be large-sized jets and the
remainder smaller regional aircraft.
AVIC I signed a joint venture contract, in which it holds a 5 pct stake,
with Airbus yesterday to operate its engineering center in Beijing.


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this is kind of interesting article from Zhuhai airshow

新华网珠海11月5日电(记者王洪山李宣良)在接待了数十万观众、签订了数十亿美元订单、举行了几十场飞行表演之后,第六届中国国际航空航天博览5日在珠海圆满落幕。从1996年的第一届航展举办起,10年间珠海航展已经实现了5大跨越。 e{9=87Ku
  国际影响越来越大。从开办之初在国际上默默无闻,到第六届航展上行业巨头云集,珠海航展在短短10年间已跻身于世界五大航展之列,成为国际航空航天界两年一度的技术交流与贸易盛会。本届航展的参展规模、参展国家和地区数量、展品档次均全面超过往届航展,室内展厅净面积超过17000平方米,参展国家和地区数量达到32个,近550家国内外航空航天制造商齐聚珠海,展示了当今航空航天界的最新技术成果。 Cm#(sjy5
X45 ~ k^ S
  效益成果日益显著。珠海航展为世界和中国在航空航天领域的交流与合作提供了广阔平台,成为世界航空航天制造业进入中国市场的最佳门户。在本届航展上,3 天专业日内的各种合同签约总额就达30亿美元。据不完全统计,本届航展专业日共成交各类型飞机98架,其中上航首次购买5架空客A321,我国首次按照国际标准进行自主设计、生产和试飞验证的新型涡桨支线客机——“新舟60”狂签60架大单,我国首台拥有完全自主知识产权的民用飞机——ARJ21收获30 架订单,SNECMA公司牵手中国一航订单金额1.4亿美元、刚亮相的猎鹰L15收获3架新订单……短短三天专业日,共签定98架飞机订单。此外,航天科技三星三箭成交金额近20亿人民币,其它签约金额总计达8亿美元。 }?CaiN"1
/J.Q\ @
在过去10年间,中国和美国、俄罗斯、法国、德国、加拿大以及巴西等航空航天领域的合作不断扩大。波音公司巩固了作为中国航空运输市场最大合作商的地位;空中客车已从当初在航展上签订飞机部件转包生产协议,发展到直接在中国投放总装线;巴西航空制造商则在中国推出了自己的公务飞机。 4}6eM-U|
  专业氛围越发浓厚。作为中国唯一的国际性专业航展,珠海航展以实物展示、技术交流、商贸洽谈和飞行表演为主要内容,集中展示当今世界航空航天事业发展的最高水平。本届航展期间,10多场具有国际水平的专题研讨会如期召开,其中“2006年中国国际航空航天高峰论坛”是继2002年、2004年高峰论坛后的又一次行业盛会;杨利伟、费俊龙、聂海胜3位中国航天员同赴现场,展示中国航天员的风采,与相关行业机构进行交流。 7'gGAtA(Hy
  吸引魅力与日俱增。珠海航展不仅吸引了国内航空航天企业积极参展,更成为国外企业抢滩中国市场的前哨阵地。在本届航展上,中国的航空航天企业以集团形象亮相,组织强大阵容参展,全力打造中国航空航天大国形象,展示中国航空航天技术的强劲实力。与此同时,波音公司、空中客车公司、欧洲航天及航空防务公司、罗·罗发动机公司、米格集团等数百家世界知名的航空航天企业也竞相参展。 G<PxIn
:#Z jJN.kQ
  管理运作日趋成熟。以“国际化、专业化、科学化、市场化、品牌化”为运作要求的珠海航展,为了给参展商和专业观众提供贸易洽谈、产品展示、技术交流的良好环境,将航展分为专业日和公众日,分别向专业观众和一般公众开放。航展参照国际惯例,完全按照市场化的运作规律,以无形资产的开发与经营为突破口,整合航展的各种资源,为航展的可持续、跨越式发展奠定了基础。 \cx12#DK
says that many orders were received. MA-60 received an order for 60 aircrafts, ARJ-21 received 30 orders, snecma received 140 million US of order from AVIC I
And most interestingly, L-15 received 3 orders. I wonder who that's from.


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more civilian aircraft news from Zhuhai
first on Y-12, this has probably been the most successful export item in the Y series so far.
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Harbin Aircraft has received five orders for the new Y-12F, a light twin-engined transport aircraft it hopes to start manufacturing by 2010.

The company said at the Zhuhai show that detailed design would be completed by July 2007, and the first flight tests would take place in the first quarter of 2008.

"Our research shows there will be demand for over 360 aircraft like the Y-12F by 2020," it added.

The aircraft is being marketed to domestic regional carriers. Chinese general aviation operator Flying Dragon, as well as a general aviation company in Jilin province and a government agency, have ordered five aircraft in total.

The 7t Y-12F is a derivative of the 5t Y-12E, which can carry up to 19 passengers. The company signed an agreement with Hamilton Sundstrand in Zhuhai for environmental control systems for the Y-12F, which is likely to be powered by a Pratt & Whitney Canada engine.

now, on the best selling aircraft to date Ma-60's+Xian+Aircraft+details+MA60+avionics+and+monitoring+system+improvements%2c.html
Airshow China 2006: China's Xian Aircraft details MA60 avionics and monitoring system improvements, leaks new 35-70 seater plans
By Siva Govindasamy

Xian Aircraft is making further improvements to the MA60 and has set a timescale for introducing a freighter variant, as studies into a new-generation 35- to 70-seat turboprop emerge.

"We plan to install new-generation equipment such as comprehensive display and monitoring systems and Rockwell Collins and Honeywell are helping us," says Xian Aircraft vice-president Chen Fusheng. Rockwell Collins already provides the avionics and Honeywell the displays.

"We estimate that in the first half of 2008 we will deliver MA60s with the new equipment," says Chen.

The aircraft's passenger door will be changed to incorporate stairs, removing the need for a separate stairs attachment.

So far, Xian has gained 32 orders or letters of intent from overseas customers. Of these, Air Zimbabwe accounts for three MA60s, Air Fiji one, Cuba four, the Democratic Republic of Congo three, Lao Aviation two, Indonesian state-owned carrier Merpati Nusantara 15, the Nepal air force two and the Zambia air force two - one of which was displayed at the show.

Xian is working with Rockwell Collins and Honeywell on new equipment for the MA60

At Airshow China, China National Aero-Technology Import & Export (CATIC) signed a letter of intent (LoI) for 30. Chinese carrier Okay Airways also signed a LoI for 30 and industry sources say Okay plans to have 10 of the 30 in freighter configuration.

The MA60 is currently offered only in passenger, VIP or passenger/freighter combi configuration. "We have started the programme and at the end of 2008 or early 2009 expect to deliver the first freighter, which will be able to carry 6t of cargo," says Chen.

China is also planning a new regional turboprop, with Xian parent AVIC I studying a 35- to 70-seat next-generation turboprop, dubbed the MA70.

Finally, on the big dude, ARJ-21.
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Feasibility study under way and loans agreed to develop 105-seat version of regional jet, says ACAC president

China's AVIC I Commercial Aircraft (ACAC) expects to launch the programme for the ARJ21-900, the stretched version of the ARJ21-700 regional jet, next year.

ACAC president Zheng Qiang says he expects approval for the ARJ21-900 "early next year" and to "initiate the development of the stretched version next year".

He says a feasibility study is under way and "the national development bank" of China has agreed to provide some loans to develop the ARJ21-900.

The ARJ21-900 is a 105-seat stretched version of the 90-seat ARJ21-700 now in development. ACAC will start assembling the first ARJ21-700 in March and have it completed a year from now.


This article is part of a full report into Airshow China 2006. For more news stories from the Zhuhai show, click here
Shanghai-based ACAC has already received small subassemblies for the -700 from Xian Aircraft (XAC), says Zheng, adding that the nose section, from Chengdu Aircraft, is due be delivered in December and Shenyang Aircraft will start delivering vertical stabilisers in January.

XAC will begin deliveries of mid-fuselages and wings in March, adds Zheng. Work on the first wing-box starts this week and, in terms of manufacturing technologies, XAC has perfected the technique of "shot-peening", says Zheng.

The wing will be the last major section to be delivered to the final assembly plant in Shanghai and Zheng expects final assembly to start in March and the first ARJ21 airframe - for static testing - to be completed by October. ACAC plans to have another aircraft ready in time for first flight in March 2008 and hopes to have the ARJ21 certificated in the third quarter of 2009, enabling deliveries to begin at the end of 2009.

At Airshow China, Shanghai Electric Leasing (SE Leasing), a subsidiary of listed firm Shanghai Electric Group, signed a memorandum of understanding for 30 ARJ21s. The ARJ21 programme also has firm orders from Shandong Airlines (10 aircraft), Shenzhen Financial Leasing (20) and Shanghai Airlines (five).

more news, this is from the Russians cooperation with China
SHANGHAI. Nov 8 (Interfax) - China is ready to contribute
financially to its joint project with Russia to develop a large
transport airplane, a source in Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander
Zhukov's delegation to China told Interfax.
"China has expressed interest in cooperation with Russia in a
project intended to develop a large transport airplane. After a joint
technical design for the future plane is determined, the countries'
organizations in charge of these issues will begin working out concrete
forms of cooperation on this project," he said.
Chinese companies have asked Russia to discuss the possibility of
selling more of Russia's Tupolev Tu-204-120S airplanes than the number
envisioned in a contract signed in 2001, the source said, adding that he
was referring to the cargo version of such airplanes.
Under the contract, Aviaexport company, Tupolev company and Egypt's
Sirocco pledged to deliver five Tu-204-120S airplanes to China Aviation
Supplies Import and Export Group Corporation.
The first such airplane was manufactured and tested in August, he
Russia and China are also planning joint efforts in the sphere of
flight safety, the source said. The two countries' cooperation will
involve developing an integrated vortex flight safety system based on
the CNS/ATM technology, he said.


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more on A320 at Tianjin
not sure what it means, but it's good to know that everything is proceeding
Nov. 20 (Bloomberg) -- China Aviation Industry Corp. I and
Tianjin Free Trade Zone Investment Co. will form a 300 million
yuan ($38 million) joint venture to assemble Airbus SAS A320s,
as the European plane-maker aims to boost its sales in the
Tianjin Free Trade Zone will hold 60 percent of Tianjin
Zhongtian Aviation Industry Investment Co., while AVIC I will
hold a 20 percent stake, AviChina Industry & Technology Co. said
in a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange today. Hafei
Aviation Industry Co. and Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.,
both controlled by AviChina, will each hold 10 percent.
Airbus is opening the factory as it seeks to win more
orders in China, the world's second-largest aviation market. The
plant in Tianjin, eastern China will assemble as many as four
A320 aircraft a month by 2011.
Hafei Aviation and Hongdu Aviation will each contribute 30
million yuan to the venture, which will form a aircraft-assembly
joint venture with Airbus, AviChina said. European Aeronautic,
Defence & Space Co., Airbus' parent, owns 5 percent of AviChina.
The Toulouse, France-based planemaker announced an order
for 150 A320s from China on Oct. 26. The company signed another
order of the same size last year.


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Just talk about some civil Russian aircraft delivery to China.
JAKARTA. Nov 23 (Interfax-AVN) - A contract on the delivery of
another five Beriyev Be-103 amphibious planes to China and a memorandum
on the licensed assembly at a Chinese plant may be signed before year-
end, Sergei Drobyshev, supervisor of the Su-80, Be-103 and Sa-20P
programs at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aviation plant, told Interfax-AVN on
He is in Jakarta to attend the INDO Defense 2006 Expo & Forum
international show of armaments and military hardware.
"We plan to sign a contract on the supplies of no less than five
Be-103 amphibious aircraft to China this December," he said.
It was agreed previously that Russia would supply 25 planes to
"A contract on the delivery of two planes has been signed, the
planes are ready, and we are waiting for Chinese confirmation to fly
them from Komsomolsk-on-Amur," Drobyshev said.
Harbin-based Flying Dragon, one of the three largest aircraft
operators, purchased the planes, he said.
"We have orders for another 20 planes from other Chinese clients,"
he said. Negotiations on the licensed assembly of Be-103 in China are
being held simultaneously with the deliveries. "We plan to sign a
memorandum before the end of this year. It will define our further steps
in fulfillment of this project," Drobyshev said.
For details, see the Interfax - Military News Agency newswire.

I think this news is more important, talks about An-70 possibly and An-140/148. Really, I'm not sure what the status is with An-70, but hopefully, that comes soon.
Kyiv, November 25 (Interfax-Ukraine) - China may take part in the
development of the Ukrainian Black Sea shelf, according to the press
service of Ukrainian Vice Premier Dmytro Tabachnyk, which refers to a
statement by Chinese Deputy Minister of Commerce Yi Xiao Zhun.
"According to Yi Xiao Zhun, China is ready to work on the prospecting
and development of the shelf of the Black Sea and to supply equipment to
Ukrainian coal mines," reads a statement, the wording of which has been
posted on the Web site of the Ukrainian government.
The statement also reads that the exchange of opinions regarding the
perspectives for the economic relations took place at a meeting of the
Ukrainian-Chinese intergovernmental commission for trade and economic
relations on Thursday.
Dmytro Tabachnyk chaired the meeting, according to the statement.
The statement reads that Yi Xiao Zhun supported the Ukrainian idea to
increase the number Kyiv-Beijing flights and to open the Kyiv-Shanghai
Tabachnyk said, according to the statement, that the realization of
joint projects of modernizing the energy sector and construction of
NPPs, oil and gas pipelines was another promising trend to develop
relations between Ukraine and China.
The meeting also decided to draw special attention to general
researches in nuclear physics, energy, ecology, and energy saving
technologies, the statement reads.
Also, the cooperation between the two countries could address
aircraft building and peaceful exploration of space.
Ukraine is ready, according to Tabachnyk, to engage Chinese
specialists in the creation of An-70 aircraft and to supply An-140 and
An-148 to China.
Although there is great potential in developing economic relations,
Tabachnyk noted that a mere of $8.1 million of Chinese investment had
come to Ukraine by October 2006 and the volume of Ukrainian supplies to
China was decreasing.
"Ukraine is also concerned that its supplies to China have reduced
by 20% this year ($443 million)," Tabachnyk said.
Kyiv and Beijing reached agreement, according to the statement, to
hold in 2007 the first Ukrainian-Chinese investment business forum to
step up mutual investment and innovation.


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good news on the ARJ-21 front. Looks like things are sent to Shanghai for final delivery. The project is a little behind schedule, but it's still a good milestone for china.
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Final assembly of China's new regional jet, the ARJ-21, will begin this month
after the completion of its key components -- the wings and fuselage, sources
said on Wednesday.

The wings and fuselage, made by Xi'an Aircraft Industry (Group) Corporation
Limited in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, were delivered to Shanghai
Aviation Industry (Group) Company on Wednesday.

The first ARJ-21 -- meaning "advanced regional jet for the 21st Century" -- will
be completed at the end of this year and its maiden flight will be conducted in
March 2008, according to China Aviation Industry Corporation I (AVIC I), parent
company of Xi'an Aircraft and Shanghai Aviation.

Begun in 2002, the ARJ-21 project is the joint product of eight domestic
aviation companies with 19 international component suppliers.

The ARJ-21 will have a passenger cabin 3.14 meters wide and 2.06 meters high
with 78 to 105 seats. It will have an altitude ceiling of 39,000 feet.

So far, orders for 71 aircraft have been received, according to AVIC I.

They will be delivered to clients in the third quarter of 2009.


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China is getting involve in the Airbus A350 production. This is in addition to the Boeing 787 production.

China lands A350 deal

Airbus will offer 5 percent of its outsourced work to China in the A350 program to turn the world's fastest-growing aviation market into a risk-sharing industrial partner, the European company said yesterday.
This is the first time Airbus has declared its strategy for China since it unveiled the Power8 restructuring plan last month.
A highlight of the restructuring plan is a new operational model for Airbus to outsource half of A350's aerostructure work to a network of risk-sharing development partners as the aircraft maker seeks better distribution of development costs and risks. This is about twice as much as in the company's earlier programs.
"To extend its global footprint with the A350, Airbus will offer 5 percent of outsourced work to China with more offers to come," Airbus said in a newsletter yesterday.
Airbus announced two years ago that it would offer China a chance for participation in the A350 program of up to 5 percent of the airframe's design and manufacturing when it set up an engineering center in Beijing. The center, responsible for the design, is 70 percent owned by Airbus, with China Aviation Industry Corp I (AVIC I) holding 25 percent and AVIC II holding 5 percent.
"That plan has not changed," Airbus said in the newsletter.
Laurence Barron, Airbus China president, said last month that China would be "more and more integrated into Airbus' industrial organization" instead of being just a component supplier.
"Despite the management changes in Toulouse, there is absolutely no change in our strategy in China," Barron said. "We have a stronger desire to continue our strategies."
The A350 wide-body aircraft is Airbus' answer to the runaway success of US rival Boeing's B787 in the lucrative market for long-range, mid-sized, twin-aisle planes. The A350 can seat 270 to 350 passengers while the B787 has 210 to 330 seats.
Boeing has received 464 B787 orders so far, with 60 from China. The plane is expected to enter service next year and enjoys a five-year head start on the A350, which has recieved 222 orders. China signed a letter of intent for 20 A350s last October.
AVIC I and AVIC II will provide some B787 components, including the composite rudder and the wing-to-body fairing panels. Airbus' engineering center in Beijing has recruited 105 Chinese engineers. That number will reach 200 by the end of next year.
Source: China Daily