Chinese UCAV/CCA/Loyal Wingman (sensor, A2A and A2G) thread


A bidding announcement from Shenyang Aircraft calling for a software system used to simulate UAV take-off/landing from ships.



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An academic paper on the concepts of collaborative dogfights for stealth aerial vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles formation flying. Posted by @Captain小潇on Weibo.

MUMT will become a definite part-and-parcel feature of aerial combat/warfare in the coming years.

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judging by the last paragraph it appears that PLAAF is operating under the assumption of numerical advantage in UAV application. it should be a safe bet given China's manufacturing prowess and number of airports available vs the US which is limited in both in a westpac context.


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Registered Member
judging by the last paragraph it appears that PLAAF is operating under the assumption of numerical advantage in UAV application. it should be a safe bet given China's manufacturing prowess and number of airports available vs the US which is limited in both in a westpac context.
That's just the assumption of this paper, it's a safe assumption but you can bet they're also studying counter enemy UCAV tactics given how much US is advertising it.


An interesting patent application from Shenyang on a UAV that uses auxiliary solid rockets to complement the main turbofan in certain scenarios to improve maneuverability and survivability, such firing the rocket motors to quickly recover airspeed after dodging incoming missiles.
