Looks like quite an interesting system. Btw, if they can increase the range a little bit more, this can be used to strike Taiwan中电科展出的“选择”武装卡车发射无人机蜂群系统。该系统是目前中国研制的固定翼无人机数量最多、发射速度最快的地面无人装备。其最多可搭载和发射48架固定翼无人机,快速组成自主无人机群,实现对作战区域的广域侦察和200多公里外的兴趣目标的精确打击。具备无人机存储、运输、发射一体化能力。通过模块化设计,无人机群可以快速重新加载,从而有效提高地面部队的反应能力
Does that show a mercedes-benz truck? It might be the modular trailer contained at the back that can be put on any heavy truck. i.e. could be Israels worst nightmare.View attachment 107596
Looks like quite an interesting system. Btw, if they can increase the range a little bit more, this can be used to strike Taiwan
LMAO, you're right. But its probably just a concept which is why they used some generic truck asset for the picture.Does that show a mercedes-benz truck? It might be the modular trailer contained at the back that can be put on any heavy truck. i.e. could be Israels worst nightmare.