No one was being cheeky!Haha.
Don't try to be cheeky.
If one is not asking a question, answering a question, or providing a starter for constructive and on topic conversation, it is entirely reasonable to request someone to dial it back a little.
To users in general, especially people that have been active for more than six months, before posting in a flagship thread please consider whether a given post that you write is actually adding anything useful.
It is not against the forum rules to post random thoughts and comments that have tangential, questionable relevance to a thread topic of low effort with little capacity for teaching anything to other users -- but please appreciate that the forum only shows ten posts per page, so a brief off topic post can quite easily derail an entire page of a thread.
This is mostly for the flagship military subforum threads.
If you suspect your post may be only tangentially relevant to a thread, may result in a risk of causing an off topic discussion, and also be low effort in nature, consider asking whether it's actually worth it to hit the "post reply" button.
You, obviously, tho’ obsessed with military matters, have no understanding of military culture! My response was an acknowledgment of a demand from a senior member, ranked as a Lt. Gen.
Social skills, dude!!! Those don’t come from books, formulae, or computers! Get off of this virtual world, sometimes, and deal with real interactions.