Chinese UAV/UCAV development

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I'm gonna say PS, but it's blurry enough it could be either or. I wonder where it was taken, cause it looks an awfullly lot like dark sword.

Personally I'm hoping the uav is real so we can use the name more. Dark sword sounds so badass.

What's the betting DEW or Ares picks up on this and makes a few wrong assumptions as always?



Dark Sword...most badass name ever. Can't help but be reminded of Final Fantasy. I hope our friend Red Sword won't be jealous


Lieutenant General
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It might be psed. Apparently someone was pointing out another picture with very similar backgrounds.

I think it's very likely it is -- the runway it seems to be landing on is overgrown with weed, the uav itself just looks "off", we've almost never seen a picture of a new plane in the air; usually it's on the tarmac. And most importantly we heard nothing before hand of this uav going to be flown, or if it's already flown before.

Nice attempt though. It put on a few antennaes and everything to make it look more genuine, put on the avic logo and everything.


Lieutenant General
Very interesting. I would definitely not say it is real based solely on that picture as it is very blurry and looks a little 'too good to be true' (unless this thing is pretty huge, the guy that took this must have been very close to it).

But I will say this, if it is a PS, it is a pretty good one, as I cannot easily see any obvious tells (maybe it's the blurry hiding it) and whoever made it has remembered to add in a lot of very good details, like adding the antenna to the top.

The picture has got me hopeful, it's not yet enough to overcome my suspicions. Let's see what the coming weeks and months bring.

If this is real, I wonder which will now get more attention, Dark Sword or the J20?


Junior Member
I think we are throwing around the term "ps" too liberally. PS means photoshopped or edited from a photo. I highly doubt this is technically a PS job. It looks like a model to me.

EDIT: False alarm it seems
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Lieutenant General
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J-20 will defintiely get more attention in the long run, compared to almost every other aircraft project the chinese industry can come up with in coming years simply because it's the first, and in many ways the most "important" (psychologically for media) aircraft.

I don't think it's a model, I think it's a PS/CG


Lieutenant General
If this were real, I'd imagine this would represent a greater buzz than the J-20 that's if it follows what has been said it were designed to do. That's what makes it hard to believe that China leaped this far ahead in such a short time.


Lieutenant General
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If this were real, I'd imagine this would represent a greater buzz than the J-20 that's if it follows what has been said it were designed to do. That's what makes it hard to believe that China leaped this far ahead in such a short time.

That's the thing -- I don't think any of us, nor any of the most misled commentators believe the aircraft could be a true A2A UCAV. I think the likelihood is that it's more of a concept/tech demo instead. Personally I don't know how darksword would be able to fit any decent weapons load internally at all, from models, and its aerodynamic configuration is very quite strange when we assume it isn't designed (or SAC doesn't have the capability to design) dogfighting.
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