Chinese UAV/UCAV development

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So much for the superiority of american tech. Russian and Chinese engineer should rush to get the mother lode of intelligence
Yemeni air defenses down yet another US-made Saudi attack drone(MQ-9 Reaper)
Hold on, aren't those American drone not for sales in the middle east that force them to turn to China for UAV? How can Saudi have MQ-9?


Registered Member
Hold on, aren't those American drone not for sales in the middle east that force them to turn to China for UAV? How can Saudi have MQ-9?
It is more likely an AGM-154C loaded with a Mk82 bomb, not an UAV. Saudi does have AGM-154Cs.

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Some photos
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One of them saying "FOR USE ON MK82"


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If true, this Winglong II drone operated by the UAE just scored the most expensive kill, ever, by a drone in Libya.

On June 7th, a UAE Wingloong II attached Mitiga airport, destroyed a Turkish aircraft (King Air C90GT) delivering weapons to GNA.

It was probably the same incident of this report
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which claimed a Turkish UAV to be destroyed.


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@SteelBird, the recent claim of downing of another MQ-9 seems to be just fake news, I came across this 2017 report
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which displayed exact photos of the alleged recent downing.

I also realized that the link that I replied to you earlier was from 2017. So far I have not find any report or link or photos of the recent downing, highly doubt it ever happened.


Registered Member
Hold on, aren't those American drone not for sales in the middle east that force them to turn to China for UAV? How can Saudi have MQ-9?

They do sell them in the M.E. (obviously not to Iran tho)

The Chinese export drones have excellent payload, flight ceiling and range characteristics, but the main drawback is that China is yet to allow export of any jet engine equipped drone (like the Avenger C), so all the drones available are turboprop.

In short, the US origin drones and CN origin drones can be used for different things.
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