China never exports its best military equipment.
The general rule is that China will not approve the export of something they are using themselves until the next generation of weapons intended to replace it is operationally deployed, or at least in the final stages of testing.
I deem two important points regarding this matter :
Chinese institutes, already have much superior jet engine UAVs, luke sharp sword, and probably many more in theirs development pipeline. Not to be misunterstood, CH 5 is a game changer in many war scenarios and its terrific device, but , I think China is preparing very serious UCAV deploymnet, in the pacific theatre in the way not remotively seen before. I mean integrated sensors and artificial inteligence, enabling big groups of UCAVs to attack enemy aircraft carriors and harbours simultaneously
CH 5, on the other hand is inteded, for tasks being carried out by one or a few units, against insurgent convoys, artillery, command centers ... It ideal for a war theatre with very primitive or no air defence. So I dont think , even this drone exported, with any of its features downscaled, it poses any threat for China , being primarely anti insurgency weapon
Dont see any harm , for CH 5 in hands of for example Argentina, Kazakhstan, Algeria, since its full combat capabilities, are emphasized in combating insurgency / terrorism
For the needs of some other countries, this UAV can be equipped , as electro optic and radar platform fulfilling only reconnassaince , coast guarding tasks etc
Countries, not being in good good terms with China such as India, Vietnam , etc are not going to send a inquiry anyway. So if I was chinese official or a comission for clearing arm exports, I would allow its export without any, or minor restrictions