That looks like predator gun camera footage. Note the different target rectacule, and better night vision contrast compared to earlier known CH4 gun camera videos.
What I was far less impressed with was how the gunner had to manually lead a moving target. That meant it was far more down to gunner skill to hit moving targets rather than it being an inherent, built-in capability of the drone itself.
From what I remember of the test footage, the Chinese CH serious drones seemed to have a built-in ability to engage a moving target, where you just kept the crosshairs centred on the moving target, rather than having to eyeball how far to lead it manually.
US UAV sure
on the video and Iraqi AF have received their in 2015.Iraq Isis 2014 -- U.S Air Strikes Over ISIS Iraq AF
They get 3+ CH-4B armed variant, 89th Attack sqn based to Kut, 2 hard points same payload as MQ-1B ofc clearly less capable as a MQ-9.