Chinese UAV/UCAV development

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Re: The origin of Chin'a UAV??

Most of China's weapons came from Russia so how did China come up with the UAV designs and technology to build one?

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bd popeye super moderator

russia neither don't have a reliable UAV designs and technology.I heard that thewy want to buy UAV from israel.


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Re: New Chinese UAV

I'm too lazy to post the magazine article pictures here, but there is a recent article regarding 2 UAVs under development by Shaanxi aircraft company.

They are LeiNiao (Thunderbird) and xiangyan.

LeiNiao is a high speed UAV and xiangyang is a long endurance UAV.

LeiNiao is 1.7 m long and 2.3 m in wingspan. It reaches a maximum speed of 500 km/h, maximum altitude of 5000 m and has 10 kg of payload. Current thrust of powerplant is 23 kg. Can swap for a more powerful engine for higher speed. 500 km/h and 5000 m are pretty fast and high for a piston propeller plane according to the interview. It says that it uses a turbojet engine and can only fly for half an hour and the range is 200 km. Can take off in 110 m at speed of 100 km/h. It says this plane can be remotely controlled by a ground station. Ground control is simple, includes a display, showing UAV's flight profile, speed and altitude. It has multi-functional display of a normal fighter and has 2 controller. Control station should be about 100 km away.

It can be used for reconnaissance, attack and high speed target drone. For reconnaissance, it can carry on a spherical shaped EO tracker. It also talks about finding a target through recon and launch suicidal attacks against the target (it will need to carry a warhead for this). It serves a role similar to Harpy in this case. Cost of this is around 500,000 yuan or 80,000 USD. It has very low profile, so hard to track. Can carry things to enhance radar signature to make it easier for the testing system. The development for this started in 2007. It says that wind tunnel testing is not needed.

As for Xiangyan, started aerodynamics design in August 2007 (borrowed funding from Y-8 project) and finished design by September. By end of December, they had completed already a prototype and it made first flight in May 2nd, 2008. It is 2.7 m long and 4 m in Wingspan and takeoff weight of 70 kg with 20 kg payload. Sounds like this is a low cost low altitude UAV used for surveying land, reconnaissance. aerial patrol. Xiangyan has a maximum weight of 70 kg and empty weight of 38 kg, so can only carry 10 L of gas. So even though it's so tiny, it still has a range of 15 hours using a piston propeller engine. It's cruising speed is only 110 km/h. talks about a bunch of other stuff, which is not that important.


Junior Member
Re: New Chinese UAV

russia didnt seem to employ any UAV during the georgian war.

Not sure they have the C4I necessary to exploit them??? It's one thing to have a drone in the air, but do they have the C4I infrastructure to control them and exploit all the sensors?? What is the quality of their sensors anyway? Does the Russian Army train with them routinely? Are they an intergral part of their fighting doctrin, or still experimental for them?


Senior Member
Re: New Chinese UAV

Not sure they have the C4I necessary to exploit them??? It's one thing to have a drone in the air, but do they have the C4I infrastructure to control them and exploit all the sensors?? What is the quality of their sensors anyway? Does the Russian Army train with them routinely? Are they an intergral part of their fighting doctrin, or still experimental for them?

pretty sure they dont train with them that much, otherwise it would have been used in the war. afterall they were facing against a professional army trained by the Americans.

are the Russians still using the old Soviet doctrines?


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: New Chinese UAV

Is the UAV really as important as what it was shown to be? I sometime think that the UAV is overrated. It is useful in difficult terrain and against a troop that are technologically inferior to yourself and had no means or very limited means of shooting it down from sky. However against a force that is almost the same as yourself and/or have plenty of means of shooting the UAV down, then the UAV is only flying target boards.

I think that the main reason why the Russian are not using their UAV is not just because their troops are not really train much with the UAV but basically because it was useless against the Georgians who are trained and equipped by the US and I believe had enough Manpads and AAA to easily bring down the UAV easily.

Plus no matter how cheap a UAV is, it still cost quite a heafy sum and to waste them in operations so quickly is really not a very clever thing to do.


Senior Member
Re: New Chinese UAV

Is the UAV really as important as what it was shown to be? I sometime think that the UAV is overrated. It is useful in difficult terrain and against a troop that are technologically inferior to yourself and had no means or very limited means of shooting it down from sky. However against a force that is almost the same as yourself and/or have plenty of means of shooting the UAV down, then the UAV is only flying target boards.

I think that the main reason why the Russian are not using their UAV is not just because their troops are not really train much with the UAV but basically because it was useless against the Georgians who are trained and equipped by the US and I believe had enough Manpads and AAA to easily bring down the UAV easily.

Plus no matter how cheap a UAV is, it still cost quite a heafy sum and to waste them in operations so quickly is really not a very clever thing to do.

and that's precisely why they SHOULD use UAV's. that was the first impression when i was reading through the articles describing how the battle was commenced: what happened to all the EW and ISR stuff? yah know, if georgians did shoot down a lot of the UAV's, then at least Russia would have a good idea of their air-defence capability or even location, and they wouldnt be shooting down as many su-25's and that tu-22.
i guess its either because they werent prepared, or this stuff is simply not indoctrinated into units that's been fighting the chechens rather than real conventional armies.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: New Chinese UAV

and that's precisely why they SHOULD use UAV's. that was the first impression when i was reading through the articles describing how the battle was commenced: what happened to all the EW and ISR stuff? yah know, if georgians did shoot down a lot of the UAV's, then at least Russia would have a good idea of their air-defence capability or even location, and they wouldnt be shooting down as many su-25's and that tu-22.
i guess its either because they werent prepared, or this stuff is simply not indoctrinated into units that's been fighting the chechens rather than real conventional armies.

If geogians are using mobile air defence systems (SAM and Manpad), after shooting down the UAV, they could move away and so the position of these assets are still safe from Russia's attacks. Thus the best bet is still to bomb that small little country using their tactical missiles and bombers.

Prior to that intelligence service and special operation forces should be inserted into the country and mark targets. Then the entire military should be closely coordinated, rather than rely on UAV.


Senior Member
Re: New Chinese UAV

If geogians are using mobile air defence systems (SAM and Manpad), after shooting down the UAV, they could move away and so the position of these assets are still safe from Russia's attacks. Thus the best bet is still to bomb that small little country using their tactical missiles and bombers.

Prior to that intelligence service and special operation forces should be inserted into the country and mark targets. Then the entire military should be closely coordinated, rather than rely on UAV.

well UAV provides a good up-to-date info on where the enemy is. its good to let the ground troops know where to go and where not to go. in reality, the Russian airforce was not very effective in this war and the georgian air-defence was the only thing that was effective. i felt that despite the outstanding performance of the Russian land elements, they could have used some additional help from gathering a lil more info
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