Chinese UAV/UCAV development

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Re: New Chinese UAV

speaking of CH-3
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basically saying that CH-3 has a start weight of 640 kg, payload of 60 KG, duration of 12 to 15 hours, altitude of 5000 m and range of 2400 km. It says that this can be used for reconnaissance purpose with a surveillance range of 400 km.

Also, says that CH series has an export deal, although not sure with which country.
彩虹3无人机最大航程2400公里 可巡航15小时
2009-09-14 09:38:36 来源: 环球时报(北京) 跟贴 264 条 手机看新闻


环球时报9月14日报道 虽然在国外的飞行试验已经过去了3个多月了,但是在中国航天科技集团公司十一院计划部部长王宏伟的眼前,仍不时浮现出那道美丽的“彩虹”。


















2004年,彩虹无人机第一次飞出国门,实现了我国无人机批量出口零的突破。(中国航天报) (本文来源:环球时报 ) 黄治茂


Senior Member
Re: New Chinese UAV

In a mass saturation attack, no one is going to be able to reload missiles in the middle of combat. So whether a ship has self-replenishment capability or not is a moot point.

Not many nations have the ability to conduct such mass saturation attacks; you can essentially count them on one hand. And the Chinese at this stage of the game aren't capable of doing so. Not enough long range, high endurance launch platforms is the problem.


VIP Professional
Re: New Chinese UAV

Perhaps the moderators could relocate the saturation attack posts into a new thread...

Anyhow, what would constitute a saturation attack? The figure is different for each ship or a group of ships. would a squadron of 24 JH7s, with 96 missiles constitute a saturation attack against certain kinds of targets?

Also, the closer the target is to land, easier it is to perform a saturation attack. Of course itd be harder to mass enough platforms for a target 1500 km from the coast, but it becomes much easier to do that against a target, say, 500 km from the coast. Yes, aircraft carrier can perform strikes over 500 km away but every little bit helps, denying extra range or extra payload helps.
Re: New Chinese UAV

Also, the closer the target is to land, easier it is to perform a saturation attack. Of course itd be harder to mass enough platforms for a target 1500 km from the coast, but it becomes much easier to do that against a target, say, 500 km from the coast.

The PLA operates hundreds of short range and medium range shore-based anti-ship cruise missiles. They have the capability to deny coastal waters up to about 300-400km to just about any type of naval group.

However, I think Pointblank meant a mass saturation attack as part of an offensive capability, rather than area denial. Currently, neither the PLAN or PLAAF has enough assets to conduct an attack that can overwhelm the defenses of a USN carrier battle group at ranges that can actually threaten a CVBG.
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VIP Professional
Re: New Chinese UAV

Out in the open seas, without any meaningful airborne radars, PLAN has a poor offensive capability, even though on paper it could gather a vast number of antiship missiles for a single (perhaps not preciselly coordinated) strike.

Coastal launchers do help deny the area up until some 200/300 km, rest of the fleet, with the aid of airborne radar, can increase that to some 400/500 km, but id say the PLANAF has enough resources to conduct saturation attacks (or, more meaningfully, deny access) against a single CBG of average composition up to some 1000 km from the coast.

Naturally, in the real world, a single CBG would not put itself in such situation. Itd always have either additional ships, perhaps additional carrier groups or fighter cover from the nearby USAF bases. Without those, a single CBG is not likely to venture closer than 1000 km from the chinese coast for any prolongued period of time. (fast one time raids with radars off, if strategic situation allows it, are another matter)


Lieutenant General
Re: New Chinese UAV

The PLAN has greatly improved its long range saturation attack capabilities in recent years, with the mass production of the Type 022 FAC a key factor. Each can carry up to 8 C802/3 AShMs and there have been reports of groups using wolf pack tactics and relying on off-board targeting to engage targets at long range.

At the very least, these things will push the coast AShM screen outwards by several hundred KM, and it will not be a stretch to seem them being used in offensive attacks against enemy forces far out to sea.

These FACs will be particularly effective when teamed up with high-endurance UAVs who can provide the targeting information for them to argument the FAC's own lack of long range sensors.


Senior Member
Re: New Chinese UAV

The PLAN has greatly improved its long range saturation attack capabilities in recent years, with the mass production of the Type 022 FAC a key factor. Each can carry up to 8 C802/3 AShMs and there have been reports of groups using wolf pack tactics and relying on off-board targeting to engage targets at long range.

At the very least, these things will push the coast AShM screen outwards by several hundred KM, and it will not be a stretch to seem them being used in offensive attacks against enemy forces far out to sea.

These FACs will be particularly effective when teamed up with high-endurance UAVs who can provide the targeting information for them to argument the FAC's own lack of long range sensors.

But as demonstrated in recent conflicts, FAC's are extremely vulnerable to air attacks... nothing like a pack of F/A-18's armed with Maverick's or even a couple of Seahawk's armed with Hellfire or Penguin missiles to ruin their days. Remember the devastating effectiveness of British Lynx helicopters armed with the Sea Skua missile against Iraqi Navy during Gulf War I. The helicopters alone accounted for the majority of the Iraqi Navy sent to the bottom.


Junior Member
Re: New Chinese UAV

Right, and how are the fighters and helicopter's missiles going to lock on to a stealthy, IR-suppressed, fast moving maneuvering target with point-defense systems? Are they going to come in and go toe to toe with the AK-630 mount?

Londo Molari

Junior Member
Re: New Chinese UAV

In a mass saturation attack, no one is going to be able to reload missiles in the middle of combat. So whether a ship has self-replenishment capability or not is a moot point.
Who said anything about in the middle of combat? Even being able to replenish the next day makes it a very critical point in such a conflict. Because even though a CBG may use up all/most of its missiles in one engagement, if it can replenish its missile stock the next day or two, then the strategy has failed. You can't send 500 drones out to die every day of the conflict. That's too expensive for anyone. Once, maybe, to chase away a CBG and send a message, its expensive, but worth it. But to send that many every single day of the conflict just to keep the CBG away? Infeasible.
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Re: New Chinese UAV

Who said anything about in the middle of combat? Even being able to replenish the next day makes it a very critical point in such a conflict. Because even though a CBG may use up all/most of its missiles in one engagement, if it can replenish its missile stock the next day or two, then the strategy has failed. You can't send 500 drones out to die every day of the conflict. That's too expensive for anyone. Once, maybe, to chase away a CBG and send a message, its expensive, but worth it. But to send that many every single day of the conflict just to keep the CBG away? Infeasible.

You are right. However, one possible strategy is to send so many at one time that the adversary's defenses are overwhelmed. Such a strategy that would destroy the CVBG, not chase it away. Even if a ship cannot replenish at sea, if you fail to destroy it it will eventually come back into the fight. The capability to replenish underway is definitely very valuable as it helps keep the ship in the fight for longer and cuts down on down time.
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