Sexual urge does not create families - arguably never did, but certainly not after the invention of birth control.I didn't want to join this debate because the original question of what kind of free porn should we allow ourselves to watch is a bit too stupid for me to want to respond to but I didn't expect it to grow tentacles and become dangerous.
But no to your notion. Normalizing sex with robots or other non-human entities is a perfect way to drop the fertility rate. Men will increasingly believe that buying sex robots/dolls is the only pleasure they need, and with that, they can can forgo the challenges and potential emotional risks of dating altogether. Go to work, make money, buy the sex bot models you want; that puts you 100% in control, right? Why take the risk of rejection by a real human female? People become more and more withdrawn from society and either become apartment hermits or form small friend groups of loser males. This reduction in the willing male population along with the horrible reputation that they will have made for themselves with these activities means that females will emmigrate for foreign men. This is a sexual dystopia, not a utopia.
Having a regulated and fully consenting people-based sex industry is a sign of a healthy society with the confidence to explore and enjoy sexuality; that is not degeneracy.
Furthermore, of all the addictions out there, the male addiction to impressing females is the most impressive driving force to self-improvement I know of. If anything, we need to harness and enhance this drive rather than to quell it with robots/AI/non-human substitutes. Men who are addicted to impressing and attracting women will stay away from all things that detract from this goal (drugs, smoking, excessive alcohol, excessive gaming, laziness, other bad habits) and force themselves into constant self-improvement (regular gym sessions, martial arts, healthy diet, learning to cook impressively, to sing impressively, to become highly educated, to earn a high income, accumulate wealth, etc...). Compare this image of a man obsessed with attracting women to the type of man who is obsessed with a collection of sex dolls at home. Which type of male do you want your society filled with?
The West has plenty of sex. Porn is mainstream, prostitution is legal (in Europe, Las Vegas, via the internet in the US, etc.), social media is full of half-naked (or fully naked) women selling their wares to thirsty men. Casual sex, friends with benefits, open relationships, LGBTQ, etc. are at all time highs per the "sexual liberation" movement. Hollywood and MTV openly sell hedonism and degeneracy to teenagers.
What has that done to TFR? It's decreased it, as hedonism and degeneracy tend to do - because when societies emphasize the *pleasure* of sex, they are implicitly abandoning the *function* of sex, which is reproduction. You don't solve for fertility by giving people the "confidence to explore and enjoy sexuality"; in fact, that does the opposite.
Family values create families, and making sex between humans a casual affair works against family values.
Better to transfer those urges to robots, AI, etc. to emphasize that they are forms of masturbation, not to be compared with reproduction. Short of suppressing sex outside of reproduction altogether - which has never worked for long in any society - I see it as the next best strategy.