Does anyone know what is the largest ship built in China? How big is it in term of tonnage?
talks about the 3 new production lines in Changxin. the 3rd line, which produces military ships is already ready to fully take over the orders on January 14th. This year, 2nd line will also have production capability and become the new location of HD shipyard. 1st line will be ready soon and achieve full production capability by 2010.长兴岛世界级船坞初展雄姿
中国船舶相关负责人告诉记者,长兴岛造船基地边建设边生产的模式创造了一个奇迹,在短短不到3年时间里,一片荒芜的滩涂已经变成热火朝天的船坞和车间。以一号线为例,一号线建设用地面积170.80万平方米,拥有岸线1322米。从2005年6月正式开工建设,如今形成两座巨大船坞,其中一号船坞长 520米、宽76米、深6.8米,配备600吨门式起重机2台;二号船坞长510米、宽106米、深6.8米,配备600吨门式起重机2台,都是船坞中的 “巨无霸”。已建成的造船设施片刻都没闲着,目前在建船舶达到6艘,预计2008年年底前至少交船3艘,到2010年一号线达产时,就可以达到年造船 332万载重吨。
长兴基地的飞速发展,让上海各大船舶企业如虎添翼。一、二、三号线分别成为外高桥造船公司、沪东中华造船公司、江南造船公司的新基地。外高桥造船公司原有的外高桥基地已形成年造船 300万吨能力,长兴岛建设之后,其部分船型转移到一号线生产,都是大吨位、高技术含量的船型。外高桥顺利收购长兴一号线工程后,外高桥的产能将达到 700万载重吨左右,成为仅次于韩国现代重工的全球第二、国内最大的造船企业。
同样,长兴岛三号线成了具有140多年历史的江南造船公司的新家,三号线快速形成生产能力,成为江南造船确保“边搬迁边生产”的强大后盾。为了保证世博会的建设进度,江南浦西厂区将交船日期和搬迁日期一再提前,去年12月28日,江南造船集团公司在原址厂区完成了最后一条船的下水任务。今年1月14 日,公司全面搬迁工作正式开始。此外,长兴岛二号线也已形成生产能力,这里将成为沪东中华造船公司的新基地。
The last time I checked, it was 300,000 ton-class oil tanker(supertanker), last year's news. Just 3-5 years ago, they only can built 200,000 tone class, the pace of progress is impressive. They also now can build LNG's.
THE Tsao family's IMC Corp is expanding its shipyard business in China with two new yards, one focusing on shiprepair and the other on shipbuilding.
"We are expanding in the shipyard area, [we have] two shiprepair yards right now and we're building up a newbuilding and conversion yard and a shiprepair yard," IMC Corp group chief executive Koay Peng Yen told Lloyd's List.
IMC is already in the ship repair business in Thailand with Unithai Shipyard, and in China with Zhoushan IMC-Yongue Shipyard and Engineering, and has also ventured into newbuilding at the Thai yard with specialised offshore vessels and small feeder container tonnage.
The two new Chinese yards will be in Zhoushan and Dalian Changxing. The yards are being developed with partners, but Mr Koay would not disclose their identity.
"We will release more information when our partners are more ready," he said.
In December IMC opened a multi-purpose port in Dalian Changxing, an island being promoted as a harbour industrial zone.