Chinese semiconductor industry

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No sane business leader will waste money to re-invent the wheel unless he/she is forced. Why risk billions of money for low or no return when you can spend the money to develop new shiny things?

Plus no one will use the new domestic equipments (full of issues for sure) because better/more established foreign equipments are available. Why spend the extra money to get new domestic equipments working when foreign ones just works. Chinese government can direct her SOE to develop the semiconductor manufacturing equipments but no private businesses will buy them. Those who’s insane enough to use them will be at a disadvantage vs the ones use foreign equipments.
Having the ability to manufacture the complete supply chain is only important if you are being choked off by external factors. The whole purpose of global supply chain is that different countries can hone their skills in different fields and there is a net gain of productivity that results from collaboration. Imagine if you had to hunt a deer every time you are hungry and you have to carve it up and cook it yourself. It is true that you are self sufficient, but you lose the time to pursue other tasks like reading a book or fixing a motorcycle.

Chinese leadership was blind sighted by how the degree Trump went to decouple Chinese and American economies. Could they have achieved self-sufficiency in semiconductor a lot earlier if they poured money in? Very likely. But they might not have money for the J-20, three carriers, the poverty alleviation efforts, or the massive infrastructure building and high speed rail.
Yup. The most efficient strategy for self sufficiency here is to only invest in the human and physical capital necessary to keep your basic capabilities and knowledge apace with the industry lead, but only spend the much higher quantity of capital needed to commercialize when you can compete on an even playing field during a paradigm shift. Which is more or less what China has been doing across industries.


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TD739 I stand corrected, you're right, the 22nm chips had not being used on the current Beidou system.

Key components of China's navigation satellite system BDS-3 100% domestic
Source: Global Times Published: 2020/8/3 11:14:40
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BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System
All key components of the Beidou-3 satellite are 100 percent made-in-China, showing the country’s ambitions in independently controllable technology breakthroughs.

At a Monday press conference, spokesperson of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)and director general of China Satellite Navigation Office, Ran Chengqi, said that more than 500 types of equipment component have been made in China and the domestic production rate of the BDS-3 satellite key components is 100 percent.

Ran noted that more than 400 agencies and 300,000 research personnel and technicians have committed to making advancements in more than 160 key core technologies, from inter-satellite links to high-precision atomic clocks.

The BDS is China’s largest space-based system and one of four global navigation networks, alongside the US’ GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and the European Union’s Galileo.

Providing navigation, positioning and data communications functions, the first-class performance of the BDS shows its high quality.

According to Ran, the BDS’ global positioning accuracy is better than 10 meters, with a timing accuracy better than 20 nanoseconds, and its performance in the Asia-Pacific region is even better.


The system’s services now cover more than 200 countries and regions, with more than 100 million users and 200 million daily services.

So far, BDS-related products have been exported to over 120 countries and regions, serving hundreds of millions of users. BDS-based services have been successfully applied in land mapping, precision agriculture, and digital construction in ASEAN, South Asia, Eastern Europe, West Asia and Africa.

Within China, the system has been integrated into essential national infrastructure, including electricity, finance and communications. Ran said the 28-nm-category chips used in the system are in mass production, and 22-nm-category chips will enter mass production soon.

Most smartphones sold in the domestic market support the BDS positioning function and smartphones supporting high-precision applications have been launched.

The BDS has been applied in transport infrastructure, such as the China-Europe Express Railway, the construction and operation of the high-speed train between Beijing and Zhangjiakou, and civil aviation.

The output of China’s satellite navigation and location-based services industry has been growing more than 20 percent annually on average, reaching 345 billion yuan ($49.47 billion) in 2019, and is expected to exceed 400 billion yuan in 2020, according to Ran.

Global Times


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Despite talk covering alot of areas, still the most important point is none other than how Huawei get its hand on 14nm tech for its 5G base station chipset. Cellphone is already a lost cause. Preserving Huawei 5g base station , its bread and butter business is the most pressing need.

Huawei 5g base station chipsets should be finished by end of next year and Kirin chips should be earlier. Therefore not enough time for setup of domestic equipment.

Either SMIC will manufacture for it against mandate from US or Huawei will have to get its own equipment.

Time will run out before domestic equipment be ready.

One option is for Huawei come up with the money and acquire SMIC completely and take it off the public and this way it can manufacture for Huawei.
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Look at what Chinese government has done in this trade war. Not much besides the usual more investment and entity list which still has not announce any one yet at this stage despite Chinese firms being slaughtered. Chinese government still acting timid and shy.

It can help Huawei to acquire SMIC , I think its best move from the mandate of govenment. Also consolidate the whole tsmc Nanjing fab into this.

This is the type of useful move in my pov that the government can make.

It has not prepared for tech war and now still doesn't have corrective counter moves.


Look at what Chinese government has done in this trade war. Not much besides the usual more investment and entity list which still has not announce any one yet at this stage despite Chinese firms being slaughtered. Chinese government still acting timid and shy.

It can help Huawei to acquire SMIC , I think its best move from the mandate of govenment. Also consolidate the whole tsmc Nanjing fab into this.

This is the type of useful move in my pov that the government can make.

It has not prepared for tech war and now still doesn't have corrective counter moves.

Yes. China gov was not ready for the tech war. They thought the trade deal would change US action.


Registered Member
No surprise there need to help Ericsson, I think China know this and retaliated by leaving them out in China own massive 5G rollout.

from cnTechPost
Sweden bans Huawei, ZTE equipment in its 5G network
2020-10-20 18:41:19 GMT+8 | cnTechPost
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Sweden bans Huawei, ZTE equipment in its 5G network-cnTechPost

Swedish regulators announced on Tuesday the ban of Huawei and ZTE telecom equipment in its 5G network.
The license conditions were set following an assessment by the Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Security Service, according to the Swedish Postal and Telecommunications Authority (PTS).

Under pressure from the United States, European governments have been assessing the role of Chinese companies in building next-generation networks.
In July, the United Kingdom ordered Huawei equipment to be completely removed from the UK's 5G network by 2027, becoming one of the first European countries to do so.
Companies participating in the auction must remove Huawei and ZTE equipment from existing core functionality by January 1, 2025, PTS said.
The regulator refers to what it calls core functions, which are equipment used to build wireless access networks, transmission networks, core networks, and the services and maintenance of the networks.


Junior Member
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No surprise there need to help Ericsson, I think China know this and retaliated by leaving them out in China own massive 5G rollout.

from cnTechPost
Sweden bans Huawei, ZTE equipment in its 5G network
2020-10-20 18:41:19 GMT+8 | cnTechPost
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Sweden bans Huawei, ZTE equipment in its 5G network-cnTechPost

Swedish regulators announced on Tuesday the ban of Huawei and ZTE telecom equipment in its 5G network.
The license conditions were set following an assessment by the Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Security Service, according to the Swedish Postal and Telecommunications Authority (PTS).

Under pressure from the United States, European governments have been assessing the role of Chinese companies in building next-generation networks.
In July, the United Kingdom ordered Huawei equipment to be completely removed from the UK's 5G network by 2027, becoming one of the first European countries to do so.
Companies participating in the auction must remove Huawei and ZTE equipment from existing core functionality by January 1, 2025, PTS said.
The regulator refers to what it calls core functions, which are equipment used to build wireless access networks, transmission networks, core networks, and the services and maintenance of the networks.
slowly one by one, under the pressure of US, most western countries or pro western countries are ditching Huawei and ZTE telecom equipments.

At this point, the most influential and helpful foreign buyer of Huawei gear would be Russia. Huawei also setup big operation at Russia.
China can utilize Russia's influence and sell telecom gears to countries under Russia influence such as central asia countries and middle east.

Countries banning Chinese telecom should be excluded from China-Russia Space project such as space station, moon and space exploration.

Tech decoupling across the globe is happening. China can combine its sphere of influenced countries as South east asian countries , pakistan, iran with Russia sphere of influenced countries.

How can China and Russia camp compete with US lead block? I guess by making all technology cheap and accessible.
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