@horse Thank you bro for stating the obvious, after reading the first paragraph I don't bother to read the rest even without the letter head of WSJ you know instantly that they wrote it cause they all had a certain style just like Reuters, AP and even SCMP.
Right now I always looking forward on
@foofy @WTAN @krautmeister @tokenanalyst @FairAndUnbiased @tinrobert ,yours and others for info, cause I know you had fact checked it and from the original source.
Thanks brother. It is just the news.
That Hungry would use Huawei to do 5G, that is a fact.
That Norway did not ban Huawei 5G gear and will use it, that is a fact.
Let's face it, people who are making these decisions on which telecom gear to use, the last people they will listen to is the Liberal media and the CIA.
These telecom executives have to listen to the government in their respective jurisdictions, and that does not mean the foreign government listens to the Liberal media or the CIA.
This US government war against Huawei, will be going into its 4th year in a couple months. By now, people already made their decisions, it does not take 4 years to make up their minds.
Since the United States government still insists people ban people, and boasts how many people already banned Huawei, while offering very short lists as proof, (after 3 years of repeating this), people like us reading the news can arrive at our own conclusions.
We have children. We tell them stop play computer game or time to go to sleep. If we shout that 10x times that means they never listen.
The United States government will be in year 4 of this, "We are banning Huawei, and our allies have banned Huawei." If they already banned it, why keep repeating yourself ad nauseum.
Only the truly (willingly) misinformed will not know how badly the United States is losing this 5G race to China and Huawei.
What is remarkable about this article, is that what Rubio is talking about, the next phases in the technology development and deployment into industry, China is already doing this, while in America they got the politicians talking about it like Little Marco.
This ain't war, this is a butt kicking.
That is why China sells America goods, and the Fed prints money to pay for it. This will not last.