I believe that in the future there will be 2 types of suppliers in many countries.
One supplier will only deal with China and the other supplier will only deal with the USA.
This will also be the case with FABs, where new Korean or Taiwan FABs will be set up using non US Technologies to exclusively deal with China.
There will be a Decoupling resulting in 2 separate supply Chains.
At the end of the day only one system can win in the long run...
This tip of the spear tech decoupling initaited by US is America's laststand... its also a way to hedge bets... if US wins out, it will starve out China technologically and economy/military collapse will follow... if America loses the war it will still have its own independant supply chain and with all the vital tech chains reshored, it has no incentive not to cause massive mayhem in Asia to destabalize all of Eurasia so it alone can retain dominant status...
With the TSMC move the US is emptying out Tiawan, but its larger goal is to empty out Asia as well, including its vassals Japan and Korea... so maybe one day it can destabalize all of Asia not just to cause trouble for China but as artificial demand destruction so in post Peak oil era it can still get relatively cheap resources to sustain its nonnegotiable way of life...
There isnt enough pie to go around... and America is like the dude on the survivor island with the gun premptively killing everyone else so the rations will last longer for mr lastmanstanding