Alright, so I read through the SMEC Investor Q&A from November. A lot of interesting notes in there
本身也是对我们发展现状和历史积累的充分认可。 截至9月,公司的SiC MOS月出货达到了4000片6英寸晶圆,其中90% 用于车载主驱逆变器。最新一代高性能SiC MOS已经发布并送样, 性能达到全球先进水平。感谢您的关注!
8英寸硅基月产能17万片;SiC MOS、12英寸产 线处于产量爬升过程中,其中SiC MOS单月产量已从6月的2000片/ 月爬升到9月的4000片/月以上。随着产品研发以及产能的不断释 放,SiC MOS产线、12英寸产线
SiC production up to 4k wpm by end of Q3 from 2k just 3 months earlier. 90% of that is used for main electric drive inverter. Looks like SMEC will get really good here. And they continue to increase 12-inch & in-inch wafers too
公司在MEMS车载惯性导航和激光雷达上 取得明显进展,开始稳定上量,加快市场渗透,成为国内这一赛道 的领先者。感谢您的关注!
Huge gain here in MEMS INS & Lidar system. I think MEMS is one of the most critical semiconductor field that just don't get the attention. So many important tools need them
公司的8英寸射频滤波器技术国内领 先,且已经实现规模量产,主要应用于4G、5G等射频前端领域。谢 谢您的关注!
公司已全面布局物联网产业所需射 频前端的核心芯片及模组,目前射频相关技术主要应用于高端电子 消费,如通信领域的射频开关,智能家居领域的无线射频模块等。 公司作为集成电路制造代工平台,客户信息按照客户的要求需要保 密,因此具体客户信息涉及商业秘密,不便披露。 为了拓宽采购 来源,提升供应链安全性,公司一直在持续推动设备与材料多元化 供应商的评估认证。感谢您对公司的关注!
Claims its 8-inch RF filter tech is leading in China and used in 4G/5G areas. I think Newsonic & Huntersun use SMEC
Looks like they also fab RF switches & other consumer electronics stuff
公司的BAW滤波器工艺和产品已经进入 批量生产状态,性能可以对标国外主流厂商。特别用于5G的滤波器 产品,已经在客户终端验证阶段。感谢您的关注!
Again, they claim here that their BAW filter tech is already in mass production and comparable to foreign IDMs, especially 5G filter, accepted by mobile end users. I don't know if this includes N77/N79
公司的一期、二期生产工 厂均按照车规要求建设,8英寸IGBT产能已达到8万片/月,是国内 最大的车规级IGBT生产基地。谢谢您的关注。
Look at this 80k wpm of 8-inch wafer IGBT production. Largest IGBT producer in China. Huge here in their domestication efforts
SMEC pretty important even if it doesn't fab advanced nodes