Chinese semiconductor industry

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How come TechInsights is certain that the Kirin 9000s is made by SMIC?

Is there any kind of technical way to proof this? Or is it just by assumption?

It seems to me a curious gamble for SMIC to play to participate in Huawei's very public endevour. The US could escalate sanctions againt SMIC further using their "foreign direct product rule" forcing ASML and many others to stop supplying them.

The transistor structure is patented,SMIC cannot use the same structure as TSMC or Samsung


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The TianTong satellite only covers Asia-Pacific region,so that limits the useable area of mate60pro satellite function. I wonder if there is any Chinese satellite network that has similar capability with TianTong but has global coverage,that later huawei phone can use?
how many Chinese people are traveling beyond APAC these days and the ones that do, their telecom company probably has data roaming plans setup. the current coverage is already good. The next step is LEO satellites that need to get built.

May be Unsoc is laying low until domestic fabs ramp up enough advanced capacity. Now they are using TSMC and they would get blacklisted if they capture a significant market-share. Currently ZTE seems to be their main customer. ZTE has at least one device using all of their recent SoCs.
I wonder if Phytium has any plans to get into this sector? That's another possibility for a neutral third party SoC provider for non-Huawei brands. Phytium also has an ARM arch license.
Unisoc may have just decided they can't compete. After all, not everyone can do super great 5G modem. Not sure what kind of relationship they can have with samsung or tsmc.

i think Unisoc's 6nm SoC is getting used in BYD cars.

A salami slices both ways... Maybe by the end of the year the ban would extend to university faculties, then students...

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Chinese govt is way too concerned about outside opinions. If they just block Ga exports, Apple would be in complete trouble, but they are afraid of doing that. What can you do?


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Chinese govt is way too concerned about outside opinions. If they just block Ga exports, Apple would be in complete trouble, but they are afraid of doing that. What can you do?
Unintended consequences, China target is the developing world, they are a growing and bigger market which China can provide with her current technological capability. If China use indiscriminate sanction like the Collective West then who will they trust as trade partners?


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Alright on 昂瑞微 (OnMicro), formerly known as 汉天下(Huntersun)

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By 2021, it had sold over 100m BAW filter
There was a lot of demand in 2021, looks like foundry capacity was tight and it had trouble getting the capacity it needed and wafer prices were high
But looks like for 2022, it sees a lot of demand domestically in smart home EVs also for BAW filter.
More customers require domestic solution

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says its the first domestic company to have BAW filter as its core product and has production line for it
looks like by the end of 2021, it had shipped almost 200m filters (probably includes both SAW/BAW filter)
it hit 10m filter for the first time in Nov 2020
Looks like in 2022, it was building its own 8-inch MEMS research line in order to increase its production
Make a note here, BAW filters (rf filters in general) are also important in power consumption. So when we talk about power consumption, it's not just the SoC but also the RF component, the screen and everything else in the device
sales goal. At the time of writing, it had already entered mobile end point (phones/pads), mobile web products. Also looking to enter wearables, smart home, auto web, space RF

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from this year, onmicro is the new name and it also got investment from Xiaomi.
陆续发布了PAMiD、L-PAMiD、L-PAMiF等高集成度模组,LNA(bank)等接收端产品,各大产品线取得全线突破;终端市场方面,应用领域不断拓展到可穿戴手表、无线键盘、蓝牙遥控器、蓝牙指纹锁等智能家居市场,实现了应用方案的全覆盖,同时新产品也不断获得行业头部客户的认可,例如全集成5G PAMiD产品已送往客户验证,预计2023年上半年将量产出货。
Earlier this year, it was known that it had developed L-PAMiD. according to this, it also developed PAMiD and L-PAMiF and had sent 5G PAMiD to customer for testing and was ready for mass production in first half of the year. Good chance this was Huawei

so this makes more sense timing wise, because Mate 60 assembly should've started a while back and OnMicro/Huntersun would've been produce BAW filters for a few year and had the ability to put them in their own integrated power amplifier modules.


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From HW before HR on impact of Huawei and apple
30m+ high end phone bw Mate & P series. 20m will come from Apple -> 150B RMB of value from Apple to Huawei
if we include notepad, pc, watches, wearables, this could be 200B RMB of value
difference between HW & Apple is that China only get 20% of value per Apple production mostly made in China. So, Apple takes 160B RMB out of China.
Equivalent to 1 million workers using 160k RMB/year salary. of course in reality, it probably will be more like 300 to 500k


I think he is also make the argument about Qualcomm and Mediatek chips. For qualcomm, it's also the power amplifier modules.

100 million sales for Huawei means 100m fewer SoCs for TSMC.


Just Hatched
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Interesting anecdote from this guy that Huawei/SMIC made breakthrough by "refining“ 优化 mature process to produce 7nm chips, for lower capital cost. If i understand him correctly, its not just a matter of multi-patterning using DUV....

Anecdote started at about 19:15 but drifted a bit...


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What is the node of the 5g modem and other RF components for the phone? Are they also 7nm?


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Huawei actually invested in Onmicro as early as 2020

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HW, Xiaomi, Lenovo & Walden International have all invested in OnMicro
Its product has also entered honor, xiaomi, samsung, motorola, ZTE, lenovo & other supply chain as well as OPPO & Vivo

This is the key. It just started selling it's l-pamid product this year with Huawei, but since it's already in supply chain for all the major phone producers outside of apple, what's preventing it from fully taking over market share of other phone makers assuming that it can get production ramped up. Clearly, the rf modules are good enough and very fast based on what we have seen with mate 60. Maybe next yr, it gets into 50 million phones, but the year after that, it gets into 100 and then 200 and 400. Before you know it, Qualcomm and broadcom revenues dwindle away.

There is also vanchip that has also come out with l-pamid module. Maybe it's sourcing bae filters from memsonic. Because they clearly stated they have customers.


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What is the node of the 5g modem and other RF components for the phone? Are they also 7nm?
5h modem in this case is part of Kirin 9000s. Rf components are analog devices. Not something you use advanced logic process for.

Rf filters are produced in mems fabs. Power amplifier are fabbed in gaa device production lines.
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