Chinese semiconductor industry

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Thanks for the corrections. With so many things happening all at once it's good to clarify every once in a while. For what it's worth, things may not be great in the world, but China's advancements at least can bring us all a little joy.
well, I think Huawei is definitely on the upward trajectory. So, it's interest to speculate where things are

here is another example on server computers using Kunpeng-920 48-core version
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if you look at the product
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97k RMB for a server computer with 2 48-core Kunpeng-920 CPUs. good chunk of change there. I mean

here is another one
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all from recent news. I don't see how this kind of relationship is possible if Huawei doesn't have an ongoing supply of Kunpeng-920 coming in.


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What is happening to Biren? I thought TSMC stopped producing for them and that a number of their people were "US persons".

Is the BR100/BR104 now produced by SMIC? What happened to their US persons?

Just like Nvidia has done, they had to redesign their chips to a lower spec to comply with US restrictions. The new ones are BR100P/BR104P. Since they are not on the entity list yet, and the spec has been reduced to US limits, I think they can continue to fab on TSMC 7nm.
So for now I think they are using TSMC. If and when they are able to port it to SMIC 7nm they would hopefully bring back the old spec.


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Tsinghua Uni. Department of Micro and Nanoelectronics Dean Wei Shaojun weighing in on the potential Japanese export curbs: 令人欣慰的是,中国半导体装备企业的能力提升之快,竞争力之强还是超出了大多数业内人士的预期。在半导体装备的发展中,中国企业急起直追,尽管还有不小差距,但发展潜力有目共睹。如果说十年前,国产半导体装备还是一片空白,现在已经有相当一部分装备实现了国产化。在政府的支持下,有资本的加持,有市场的支撑,假以时日,中国的半导体装备支撑起中国半导体产业的一片天不是不可预期的。显然,日本企业迫于外界的压力退出中国这一具有广阔前景的市场十分可惜,日本政府应该坚定地站在企业的立场上,损人不利己的事情不做也罢。

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It is gratifying to see the rapid capacity-building and strong competitiveness of Chinese semiconductor equipment manufacturers, which has exceeded the expectation of most industry insiders. In the development of semiconductor equipment, China enterprises are catching up. Although there is still a big gap, the development potential is clear to all. Just a decade ago, China did not possess the ability to build any domestic semiconductor equipment, and now a considerable portion of equipment is produced domestically. With the support from the government, capital and markets, a prosperous and domestically supported Chinese semiconductor industry developed over time is not beyond China's reach. It is a great pity that Japanese companies may be forced to withdraw from this promising market under external pressure. The Japanese government should firmly stand by its enterprises and not do anything that will harm others without benefiting itself.


Just Hatched
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Phytium is owned by the cetc, it is the first in line in any bidding. Their chips have already been used to make at least one exascale supercomputer with smic's 14nm node so I think capacity probably isn't a super pressing issue.
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Lieutenant General
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well, I think Huawei is definitely on the upward trajectory. So, it's interest to speculate where things are

here is another example on server computers using Kunpeng-920 48-core version
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if you look at the product
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97k RMB for a server computer with 2 48-core Kunpeng-920 CPUs. good chunk of change there. I mean

here is another one
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all from recent news. I don't see how this kind of relationship is possible if Huawei doesn't have an ongoing supply of Kunpeng-920 coming in.

More on Huawei
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A China-based analyst who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of chip supply issues said: “Hardware components that used to be sourced from foreign companies, such as chips-related technology, still remain a core element in almost all companies’ businesses, so Huawei must invest in developing hardware alternatives on all fronts.”
Overall, Huawei’s development of replacements for western technology means it offers a wider range of products, which should help it access what research group IDC says is a $2.38tn market in China for digital transformation products and services from 2022 to 2026.
Over the past two years, local governments in more than 20 cities in China have built artificial-intelligence computing centres and mostly chosen to deploy chips from domestic companies, with 79 per cent of them using Huawei’s AI chips, according to a report by Citic Securities in February.
something to think about. Although we don't hear about it that much, most of the AI computing centers in China use local GPUs and most of that is from Huawei. That's why many consider Ascend 910 to be the best domestic AI chip despite the noises made by other players. In terms of full stack integration, Ascend is considered to be the best even if its raw performance isn't on the same level as Biren Tech. After all, you need availability and software compatibility. And now that the Ascend revitalization plan is finished with fresh flow of production coming in, there is no problem expanding smart city projects. I've known for a long time that they've been building smart city projects everywhere & a couple of them adopted Cambrian chips. I've wondered what most of the other ones are using. Looks like it's been Ascend GPUs. Huge implication longer term when they can get all this ramped up since much lower demand for Nvidia GPUs

see that $2.38T market from 2022 to 2026 for digital transformation. That's a lot of revenue that Western firms will be missing out on
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