Chinese semiconductor industry

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From what I got from the video the performance is kind of disappointing. Like 1/3rd the performance in games as the RTX 3060 some said this would go against. But the fill rate and FP compute seems to be slightly better than RTX 3060. A lot better than RTX 3060 with single textured fillrate. So this is either lack of optimized drivers or lack of some feature in hardware which bottlenecks the games.
probably unoptimized drivers.


Registered Member
From what I got from the video the performance is kind of disappointing. Like 1/3rd the performance in games as the RTX 3060 some said this would go against. But the fill rate and FP compute seems to be slightly better than RTX 3060. A lot better than RTX 3060 with single textured fillrate. So this is either lack of optimized drivers or lack of some feature in hardware which bottlenecks the games.
probably unoptimized drivers.

Hardly a surprise given that it is their first GPU. Expectations should be low. Only 11 games are supported with the MTT S80 with 60 confirmed working but not optimized for the GPU. Power usage is also high for this card compared to the market. Lots of work will be needed to improve their next GPU card.

Power consumption of this card in standby mode is 114.6W, a truly unacceptable figure from any GPU in 2022. Just a few weeks ago Intel Arc A-series were criticized for relatively high idle power at 40-ish Watts, meanwhile the just-released RTX 4080 has idle power at 13W. Under load, the MTT S80 reaches as high as 240W during tests with an average at 210W.
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Từ những gì tôi nhận được từ video, hiệu suất thật đáng thất vọng. Giống như 1/3 hiệu suất trong các trò chơi như RTX 3060, một số người cho rằng điều này sẽ đi ngược lại. Nhưng tỷ lệ lấp đầy và tính toán FP có vẻ tốt hơn một chút so với RTX 3060. Tốt hơn rất nhiều so với RTX 3060 với tỷ lệ lấp đầy kết cấu đơn. Vì vậy, đây là do thiếu trình điều khiển được tối ưu hóa hoặc thiếu một số tính năng trong phần cứng gây tắc nghẽn trò chơi.
it's a driver issue and some software and games haven't updated it yet, it takes 1-2 months or 2-4 months to fix it... anyway it's their first product... important is windows OS support it or not...


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Equipment is not the bottleneck. I more worry about the OLED organic material from Japan.

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Here's my take, and I discussed it a bit in my Seeking Alpha article. I'll repeat the link here:
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China has won the Solar War, the Rare Earth War, the EV Battery War, and is moving to win the Display War (plus AI War).
The losers in the display war are first the Japanese, then the Koreans, as China has moved to their 10.5G and took over supply dominance.
In the semiconductor sanctions, the U.S. has really no clout to prevent Japanese equipment suppliers such as TEL, or Korean chip production in memory or foundry. By appeasing the Japanese and Koreans to get back lost share, they will get these companies to work to block in semiconductors. Remember when Biden wanted manufacturers in these countries to supply customer information to them last year. They squawked but did so. They are now getting fed up. Taiwan is now passing its own Chip Act along with Europe (ASML is also fed up). Too much over reach.


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Significant information.

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China tops U.S. to take research crown at global chip conference​

China has submitted the most research papers accepted at a prestigious international academic conference focused on semiconductors, underscoring the country's growing presence in the field and bumping the U.S. into second place.

This is the first time China has taken the top spot in papers accepted by the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), which is considered the Olympics of the semiconductor sector. The annual event opens in February in San Francisco.

Universities and companies in China -- including Hong Kong and Macao -- submitted 59 papers, or 29.8% of all 198 research documents accepted by the ISSCC for the 2023 event. At the previous conference held this February, 29 papers from China were accepted, or 14.5% of the total.

The ISSCC accepted 40 papers from the U.S., dropping the country from first place this year to second. The U.S. share of all papers shrank to 20.2% from 35%.

South Korea ranked third and Taiwan fourth, while Japan and the Netherlands tied for fifth.

Universities in greater China are driving research into semiconductors. The University of Macau had 15 papers accepted, while Beijing's Tsinghua University and Peking University produced 13 and six papers, respectively.

But among corporations, Samsung Electronics led the way with eight papers, followed by Intel with six. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world's largest contract chipmaker, submitted only two papers accepted by the ISSCC.

Japanese researchers wrote 10 papers selected by the ISSCC, lifting the country's share to 5.1% from 3.5%. The Tokyo Institute of Technology produced four of them.


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China Panel Proposes U.S. Supply Chain Agency

An annual report to Congress released this week recommends creation of executive branch agency to coordinate U.S. efforts for securing domestic supply chains, including semiconductors and rare earth elements.

The recommendation by the
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calls for a establishing an Economic and Security Preparedness and Resilience Office. The unit would oversee interagency efforts to strengthen U.S. supply chains “in the context of the ongoing geopolitical rivalry and possible conflict with China.”

Among the proposed agency’s duties would be developing a framework for assessing supply chain resilience and developing “risk mitigation efforts.”

Addressing the status of U.S.-China technology competition, commission members said it was too soon to judge how
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will influence the rivalry. Final implementation of proposed restrictions on technology sales to China won’t be completed until next year, they noted.

“We’re really not in a position to evaluate whether U.S. policy has changed the trajectory of the U.S.-China economic competition,” said Commissioner
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. “China has obviously been catching up technologically for a number of years [but] the U.S. is just starting to respond in a race that China has been running for years.”

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission:
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Taiwan Chip Engineers Leaving China

Taiwanese semiconductor engineers who in recent years flocked to China, lured by prospects of better pay and job opportunities, are reportedly beginning to return home.

Weary of Beijing’s unyieldingly Covid-19 containment policy and concerned over the implications of the geopolitical dispute with the U.S., the engineers are abandoning China, the New York Times reported.

Returnees reported battle scars from their time across the Taiwan Straits, including unfulfilled promises of broader job experience. The Chinese chip sector, it turns out, lacks the varied opportunities many Taiwanese engineers were expecting.

However, the primary reason for leaving, some chip engineers said, was fear that China will seek to reclaim Taiwan by force.
Departing engineers also said they did not want to advance Chinese technology at the expense of Taiwan. Others worried they would run afoul of U.S. technology sanctions if they continued working in China.

A former engineer with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) who moved to China and recently returned home told the newspaper China is primarily interested in “poaching” Taiwan’s engineers to buttress its own position in the semiconductor industry.

While quoting engineers who have previously work for companies like TSMC in China, the report did not cite figures for the number of returning Taiwanese engineers. Taiwan has also been taking steps to curb the exodus of its semiconductor engineers to China, the Times said.


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Great news.

Shengmei Shanghai enters the coating/developing track market to meet the photolithography process needs of semiconductor integrated circuit manufacturers​

The new T rack equipment makes full use of Shengmei Shanghai 's deep technical foundation in the field of adhesive development , and the ArF model will be delivered in the fourth quarter.


Shengmei Semiconductor Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. ( hereinafter referred to as "Shengmei Shanghai" ) (Science and Technology Innovation Board stock code: 688082 ), as a leading provider of wafer process solutions for semiconductor front-end and advanced wafer-level packaging applications The supplier,
successfully launched gumming and developing Track equipment today, marks that the company has officially entered the gumming and developing Track market, which is also the inevitable result of the company's promotion of its professional technology in the fields of cleaning, gumming and developing. Shengmei Shanghai developed the first encapsulation coating machine and developing machine in 2013, and delivered it to the customer in 2014. Shengmei Shanghai will deliver the first ArF process adhesive development Track equipment to Chinese domestic customers in a few weeks, and will launch the i-line model equipment in 2023. In addition, the company has started research and development of KrF type equipment.

"I am honored to announce that Shengmei Shanghai has officially entered the Track market, which will become another major new product category for us. Gartner data shows that the global Track market will reach US$3.7 billion in 2022. This is the development of Shengmei Shanghai. New opportunity. Thanks to Shengmei Shanghai's core competitiveness in software and robot technology, coupled with the excellent performance of adhesive development equipment and a new structure with global patent application protection, we can successfully enter the Track market with competitive products and services , which also marks a critical first step in meeting current and future front-end lithography process needs. Given that global logic and memory manufacturers are looking for second suppliers, we believe this new product will have a huge impact. demand potential,” said Dr. Wang Hui, chairman of Shengmei Shanghai.

Shengmei Shanghai Coating and Developing Track equipment is an equipment used in 300mm wafer process, which can provide uniform downdraft, high-speed and stable manipulator processing and powerful software system, so as to meet the specific needs of customers. The multi-function equipment can reduce product defect rate, increase production capacity and save total cost of ownership (COO). The gumming and developing Track equipment will support various photolithography processes including i-line, KrF and ArF systems.

The gluing and developing track equipment supports the photolithography process, which can ensure that the process requirements are met, and at the same time optimize the gluing and developing steps before and after the wafer is exposed in the lithography equipment. The equipment is specially designed for 300mm wafers, and has 4 loading ports suitable for 12-inch wafers, 8 coating chambers, and 8 developing chambers. The equipment chamber temperature can be precisely controlled at 23°C ±0.1°C, the baking range is from 50°C to 250°C, and the wafer breakage rate is less than 1/50,000. In addition, the new structural design protected by the global patent application can also be expanded to support 12 glue coating chambers and 12 development chambers, and the production capacity of wafers per hour can reach 300 wafers. In the future, it will be equipped with more glue coating and development chambers. Under the same conditions, the production capacity of more than 400 pieces per hour can be achieved.
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