Chinese semiconductor industry

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Take it with a truck load of salt but in summary for things I had been reading looks like before SMIC was put in the blacklist in 2020, there was a civil war in the company between the Taiwanese leadership and Chinese leadership about the course of the company, the Taiwanese side probably argued that SMIC should be pushing for the bleeding edge and should do it fast, that the company should focus in acquiring tools from the West no matter what , the Chinese side argued that was an impossible goal and the US will never let the company to achieve the leading edge, that the best course of action was to secure the company supply chain and introduce local tools in to the supply chain. Looks like the Chinese side won. Looks like they foresaw that this was coming.
SMIC started to validation process of more local tools into their supply chain that include ion implantation equipment, parts and other equipment. One of the founders of SMIC created a equipment company who is developing process equipment so is very probably SMIC is a target client. The most interesting part of all is SMEE, I think they don't only started the testing of SMEE scanners to much of the engineers complains but also I think they took over the development of those scanners along with the Shanghai ICRD, The Semiconductor Equipment Development Innovation Center, Huawei who invested in RSLaser and Beijing ETown. Putting SMEE scanners along side ASML scanners could solve the bottleneck problem
The case of YMTC is quite interesting, they were probably advised that this was going to happen, the tension was in the air. They started to adopt more local tools in their supply chain but the drama about their personal leads to believe that they didn't hire enough non-Americans at time in case the situation worsen and to made things worst the got reliant on KLA tools to advance their NAND products as evidence in the research literature. The reason is probably the high competition in the NAND market.​
I think it is actually quiet a pragmatic outcome given that both SMIC and YMTC were between the proverbial rock and a hard place. For SMIC, not pushing the leading edge would mean falling even further behind, so even if the push involves Western tools and may only result in small-scale production the knowledge base acquired would still pay dividends for future development and also localization as they have comparators to benchmark against. To go full-out localization would basically paralyze the operations since they would have to devote the bulk their resources to redesigning and re-validating (the hardest part) all the tools and steps. That they have kept their existing operations running at full capacity, pushed the leading edge in small increments and introduced localized production in parallel is impressive.

YMTC seems to have operated at the same parallel track. The truth is, w/o the Western tools they couldn't have pushed their product to the top of the competition. That being said, I don't think they are naive enough to be left holding the bag in the worst case scenario, they probably have enough supply chain diligence to know that even if local toolmakers are a bit behind the curve, YMTC has built enough of a buffer that its current operations should continue relatively unhindered while the local toolmakers catch up and get integrated into the operations. Again, the knowledge base built using the western tools is transferable when integrating local equipment, so its not like it went to waste.

Personally, I think the parallel approach, at least what is described here on paper is probably the best case of splitting the difference. I know people like to focus on tangible outcomes like production quantities, but don't underestimate the intellectual knowledge base that comes with all of these efforts. Having the right people to use and control the equipment can be just as if not more important then the equipment itself.


Just Hatched
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The US was recently reported to be lobbying European allies to use "Russian style" sanctions against China. Given this fact, it's more likely that what happened here was that the US went ahead with severe, restrictive sanctions, then realized its allies were not going to get onboard (or that getting them onboard would require more than just the US announcing it), and so backtracked to minimize damage to its own companies and industries since it'd mean handing the Europeans, Japanese, etc. a free market advantage in China, and the US never does anything that isn't to its own advantage.

This doesn't mean the intention has changed, just that the US will go back to the drawing board on negotiating with allies and putting together a "coalition of the willing" rather than go at it alone. That matches up well with Biden's standard of operation so it's the most likely scenario.
Many of top Biden administration's people are from thinking group and lobby types but has very little business experience. The lack of industry knowledge shows in many of their policies implementation. Also they don't seem to care about the damage to US chip industries or any other industries because they probably never work in the real world in their life. Many other countries like Taiwan or South Korea are a lot more pro business because Samsung and TMSC has a lot of persuasions in their politics systems. I think that's major difference.

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Many of top Biden administration's people are from thinking group and lobby types but has very little business experience. The lack of industry knowledge shows in many of their policies implementation. Also they don't seem to care about the damage to US chip industries or any other industries because they probably never work in the real world in their life. Many other countries like Taiwan or South Korea are a lot more pro business because Samsung and TMSC has a lot of persuasions in their politics systems. I think that's major difference.

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Well he is there because the bottomless money pit of the Department of "Defense" want him there and nothing more. They have been battling multiple US administrations who have be trying to balance US commercial competitiveness and "national security" since decades, but now with years of social science think tank rhetoric, hawkish almost fascist politicians and the generous donations of of arms contractors, they got the guy they wanted. A guy who cares about "national security" and not very much about the national competitiveness.


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Huafeng Measurement and Control: Recent orders from design companies and packaging and testing plants have performed well​

According to Weibo news, recently, Huafeng Measurement and Control stated in an agency survey that the industry boom was at a low level in the first half of this year. Judging from the current situation, May-July was a low point, and now it is gradually picking up. Recently, orders from design companies and packaging and testing factories have performed well, and they are mainly 8300. It can be seen that there are many new demands driving packaging and testing companies to purchase new equipment to meet new needs.

Huafeng Measurement and Control said that the company attaches great importance to the internal circulation opportunities brought about by domestic substitution, and also believes that it is difficult for the integrated circuit industry to completely break away from the global cycle. Since 2010, international market development has been implemented as a long-term company strategy. The overseas market layout is also continuing. At present, the establishment of the Southeast Asian company has been completed, and the establishment of the US subsidiary will be completed this year. The overseas service personnel and technical support personnel continue to increase, which will provide strong support for the subsequent overseas market expansion.

It is reported that Huafeng Measurement and Control STS8200 has been iterated many times. With the continuous increase of installed capacity and the continuous expansion of application scope, it has become a classic platform for simulation, hybrid and power device testing, and will continue to iterate in the future;

It has been 3 years since STS8300 was launched. The customer expansion is smooth, the installed capacity is also increasing, the construction of the customer ecosystem is progressing smoothly, the internal resource boards are also accelerating the iteration, and the application scope is also expanding. The basic system of the next-generation SoC test equipment has been completed, and resource boards are also under development.

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NTU Optoelectronics: Advanced precursor business has maintained a high growth trend in the past two years​

According to micronet news, recently, NTU Optoelectronics said in an institutional survey that the global market for nitrogen trifluoride is relatively large. From September, the global market basically maintains a balance of supply and demand. The semiconductor industry is cyclical and may have a downward trend in the short term, but according to our communication with customers, it is expected that it will gradually recover in the second and third quarters of next year.

The company's nitrogen trifluoride expansion schedule is also adjusted in time according to market conditions. At present, the newly added production capacity in Ulanqab has been successfully sold. Nitrogen trifluoride is mainly used in the cavity cleaning link in the semiconductor manufacturing process. The company's current production capacity has jumped to the second place in China, and it has a certain cost advantage. In the future, we will further reduce costs and improve efficiency through lean production. On the other hand, we will continue to improve product purity and increase the expansion of IC and overseas market customers. Transfer the application field of nitrogen trifluoride to IC and overseas markets.

Nanda Optoelectronics said that although the advanced precursor business is not large, it has been a high growth trend in the past two years. The R&D projects of advanced process metal precursors and advanced silicon precursors that the company is actively promoting are progressing smoothly, and the certification support of downstream customers has also been greatly improved. With the gradual industrialization of advanced technology products and continuous efforts in market expansion, the precursor business is expected to become a new growth point for the company's performance.

It is reported that the company's hydrogen-based special gas is the most used in the photovoltaic field is phosphine, which is mainly used for doping of cells. At present, the sales of hydrogen-based special gases in the photovoltaic field are very small, but we are actively paying attention to this market, especially the application of heterojunction technology.

Nanda Optoelectronics said that the company mainly focuses on the main business of advanced electronic materials, and trimethyl aluminum products are also mainly used in the fields of LED and IC. For the MAO catalyst technology, the company is currently only exploratory research, and there is no systematic research and development.

Regarding the certification of ArF photoresist, NTU pointed out that the ArF photoresist developed by the company is being steadily promoted by many major downstream customers. Photoresist is a customized product, and we develop a variety of products for verification according to the different needs of each customer. Because it is import substitution, the products we develop need to adapt to the process parameters of the client, leaving us little room for adjustment, so verification is difficult. At present, the verification is progressing smoothly, and the company will also accelerate the market expansion work and strive to achieve mass sales as soon as possible.

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Yeah brother ansy1968, Huawei is just a propaganda story for the Americans at this point.

Huawei continues to build networks, while the US government still goes on and on with the propaganda and sanctions.

Some recent news.

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Bro more on Huawei this time from AsiaTimes.;)

New industries at Huawei include private 5G networks for industrial facilities, electric vehicles, autonomous driving and cloud computing.

In short, Huawei is becoming considerably more sophisticated than the 5G smartphone and network equipment maker that incurred the wrath of Donald Trump.

This sophistication was on display at the company’s 13th annual Global Mobile Broadband Forum, which was held in Bangkok on October 25 and 26. The event gathered “mobile network carriers, vertical industry leaders, and ecosystem partners from around the world to discuss how to make 5G a commercial success, as well as other high-priority industry topics like green development, intelligence, and 5G evolution.” It was co-hosted by mobile industry associations GSMA and GTI.

The Day 1 keynote address, delivered by Rotating Chairman Ken Hu, pointed out that while consumer services still generate the largest share of telecom revenue, “B2B 5G applications are also becoming a new engine for carrier revenue growth, producing considerable value in industries like oil and gas, manufacturing, and transportation.”

“These applications are not only innovative – they’re generating real commercial value for carriers. In 2021, for example, Chinese carriers brought in over CNY3.4 billion (roughly USD500 million) in new revenue from more than 3,000 industrial 5G projects. What’s more, these projects also generated 10 times that amount from related data and integrated ICT services.”

“With large bandwidth and low latency, 5G can be integrated with cloud [computing] and AI to provide entirely new services for consumers and businesses alike … presenting an opportunity for carriers to go beyond connectivity and move into cloud services and system integration.”

Progress on the technology is underway. Last May, Huawei and China Telecom launched “Super TimeFreq Folding, a new innovative 5G-Advanced technology,” noting in their press release that:

“5G industry applications, like machine motion control, multi-machine collaboration, and machine vision AI inspection, have become increasingly essential in core production processes as they mature, increasing company requirements for network latency, reliability, and uplink bandwidth. A latency of 1 ms [millisecond], 4 ms, and 10 ms, for example, is now required for about 15%, 35%, and 30% of industrial control protocols, respectively. This makes meeting these new network requirements for core production processes an increasingly urgent technical challenge the ICT industry must tackle.”

Super TimeFreq Folding shortens latency from 10 ms to less than 4 ms and “The use of mmWave [millimeter wave, or extremely high frequency] in the future will further slash latency to less than 1 ms.”

This is an industry-wide trend. For example, a report on the Ericsson blog by Reiner Ludwig, Strategic Product Manager for Business Area Neworks, shows 25% – 30% of 5G latency in the U.S. below 10 ms.

During the Forum, Huawei, China Mobile and Chinese appliance maker Midea launched what they call the first fully-connected 5G smart factory in 3C industry (Computers, Communications, and Consumer Electronics). The factory, which is equipped with Kuka robots, can assemble a washing machine in 15 seconds, doubling shipment capacity while cutting inventory in half and reducing labor costs by 30%. Watch the 3 minute
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And in the future Huawei will become a CHIP FABRICATOR , a Semiconductor tool maker and a pioneer in 6G. ;)

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12 hours ago — New industries at Huawei include private 5G networks for industrial facilities, electric vehicles, autonomous driving and cloud computing.
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