So, I would've agreed with a couple of months ago, but things seem to be coming back in China's direction a little bit recently. Scholz is going to China with a whole bunch of business people (like VW CEO)
Despite the best effort of the neoliberal anti-China elites to verbally tell German business leaders to decouple from China, the opposite has happened. Large German businesses have gotten even closer to China. The fact that Scholz is making this high profile trip while also telling the world that Germany does not want to decouple from China tells me that the business people won over the stupid Green party politicians.
We know that VW created CARIAD which just go in a JV with Horizon Robotics for the Chinese market. Although this is just for the Chinese market right now, one would imagine VW would be foolish to not use technology developed for the Chinese market by CARIAD and Horizon Robotics to not get used in Europe. Journey 5/6 chips can entirely be made by SMIC. There is also that meeting a while back in Chongqing with SMIC and Bosch group. Beyond that, Chinese power/industrial chip makers are starting to win order in Europe. One would imagine it makes sense for both side to have Chinese companies to open up fabs in Europe. Maybe the fabs themselves will start off just producing industrial/power chips, but they can move toward producing auto CPUs later for Horizon Robotics.
Further cooperation in this area would at least give large European IC companies like ASML to create de-americanized products. ASML has 1500 employees in China. That's a lot of people who can look into de-americanize EUVs with local Chinese firms. ASML can either work with these firms or risk losing its high end lithography monopoly. The fact that the Dutch gov't and ASML has resisted US gov't tells me that this is not a lost cause. Again, I don't expect this to happen for a couple of years, but China has to show itself as helpful to Europe's semiconductor industry in order to keep its relationship (in the face of US pressure).
What China has to show to the world is that you can have a successful semiconductor industry without American know how. If it is able to do that, America will no longer have the same level of leverage.