Chinese semiconductor industry

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With the information and industry sources that English language foreign media have in China's semiconductor industry (or rather, the lack of sources and information they have), there are only two or three variations of stories that they can write.

It's the same reason why media reporting on the PLA are so bad.


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So, does everyone think these regulations aren't too painful in the long run?
My take is that they will certainly produce varying levels of pain (depending on the company's exposure to foreign supplies) in the short-term but long-term they don't matter and will only work to strengthen the resolve to fully indgenize the supply chain, which means that the US companies will be cut off from Chinese market forever in the future. Moreover, when China starts exporting equipment of comparable quality, these companies will start losing ground not only in China but in other non-aligned countries as well and, eventually, even in the US vassal states because every penny lost is one penny less going to R&D.


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Continuing to make breakthroughs, Gaolun Electronics NanoSpice™ passed the Samsung Foundry 5nm process technology certification​

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Their 5nm certification claim needs a little bit of context. Primarius NanoSPICE EDA focus is almost entirely on memory design (DRAM, SRAM, MRAM, NAND), with some support for RF front-end module design. This is great news but we have a very long way to go with EDA.


Registered Member
Is it really necessary to post every Western article on this issue. This offers nothing new except some "experts" offer their opinion of the impact. We've already discussed the merit of all these points. Can you stop wasting people's time on this forum?
This is exactly the reason I suggested specific moderators for this thread. That spambot needs to be banned.


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The worst one is the ban on US citizens working on Chinese ICs. It's going to have long term impact. The rest are painful in the short term.
This is probably the worst part of it all. It's not that American citizens will be prevented from working in China's semicon industry. Those people only number around 200 odd people. It's that it will cause Chinese nationals who would otherwise work in America, to now return to China in a huge reverse brain drain in the many thousands if not tens of thousands. This will be a far more serious blow to American high-tech than those 200 odd American citizens. This just screams super stupid. What exactly am I missing here?


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This is probably the worst part of it all. It's not that American citizens will be prevented from working in China's semicon industry. Those people only number around 200 odd people. It's that it will cause Chinese nationals who would otherwise work in America, to now return to China in a huge reverse brain drain in the many thousands if not tens of thousands. This will be a far more serious blow to American high-tech than those 200 odd American citizens. This just screams super stupid. What exactly am I missing here?
The Chinese embassy and consulates should be starting a huge recruitment drive.


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Sir the scariest part and to the surprises of the American, China 5 years Plan Eric Emerson Schmidt is one of those people and it's so satisfying to see the Smirk smile in his face vanished replace with fear, anxious and
Eric Schmidt was the CEO of Google when Google left China in 2010. At that time, Google was being used by foreign NGOs and disaffected locals to plan and undermine China. This is largely how the Tibet and Xinjiang issues were magnified just before the 2008 Olympics. Then in 2010, Google complained about supposed security breaches to justify their departure from China, as if they were innocent victims of China's national security apparatus. Google's market share went from over 40% to around 3.5% today.

This story is now playing out again, but this time in semiconductors. Except this time, semicon marketshares, whether SME equipment, CPUs, GPUs, NAND, DRAM, etc...which is well above 90%, will be dropping to like 0-5%. These "Arsenal of Democracy" types are literally psychotic nutballs. They've actively destroyed their own industries for no reason other than to satisfy deeply ingrained brainwashing from their parents/grandparents generations. If it wasn't for Eric Schmidt leadership, China wouldn't have its enormous Internet ecosystem. We could even argue that China's semicon industry is as big as it is largely because of him. China should be thanking its lucky stars for enemies like this. :D
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