Yes it is relevant to China,as Chinese semiconductor equipment manufactures still heavily rely on imported components.
Making a "Swagelok style compression" means nothing,the key criterias of these precision components is not about the shape,it's about endurance and the degree of precision. You can make a bearing out of a consumer 3D printer,but it is nothing more than a toy despite having the identical structure with real bearing.
Are you kidding me LMAO, ok. I actually know for a fact they are used in semiconductor. Ham Let is literally used by Samsung for their highest requirement ALD application.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
When I say "style" it includes "purity, endurance, precision". I personally have done the analytical work for "purity, endurance, precision " to qualify companies as suppliers, and specified tests at 3rd party labs as well.
Look up SEMI F19, that is the relevant SEMI standard.
I don't know why you think you're being clever when you don't even know the specs or the actual buyers.