Chinese semiconductor industry

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That recent announcement the other day, from BaiDu that they will roll out a fleet of Level-4 autonomous robot-taxis in scale across Chinese cities, very soon, was a shock!

One, like that is Level-4?! Holy shit!

Two, isn't that only possible with some sort of Qualcomm chip? Double shit!

Why hasn't that been ban? Don't know. What exactly are the rules here anyways? Who knows. Who cares. When President Trump comes back, he can sort it out.

Three, like this electric Level-4 rob-taxi, obviously is connect to the 5G standalone network. What are the standards and protocols? Everyone shuts up. The Americans will ban that too! They will ban everything, if they know what they are doing ... hehe.

That is how it is going. Suppose that is all true, that TSMC fabs a chip for Qualcomm that winds up in BaiDu world leading taxi fleet and in scale, all connected to the 5G standalone network.

When Washington DC hears about this, someone is gonna get banned. But who?

That was the problem with President Trump and the Biden people. They played their cards poorly. Now they have very weak cards left to play, or none at all.

That is what I mean when I thought that the world with this conversation about the future, becomes very interesting, and also deeply confusing.

There are no answers, just bans.



Furthermore, TELSA is in this race, to put out a fleet of Robot-taxis.

The idea is thus ... because there are robot taxis, car makers will sell less cars, therefore, if the robot-taxi is the biggest customer, well, you gotta go for it.

But ... where is that going to be deployed and when?

It is first mover advantage. If you're not first, you probably will not have a chance.

Wouldn't it be something if TELSA had to sell their Robot-taxis in China only?!

Ban them!

Ban them!


:rolleyes: :oops:
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@olalavn Sir any news on the rumored Huawei FAB in Shanghai? from what I seeing with the huge cost of producing chips, maybe Huawei is focusing more on packaging with chips coming from SMIC rather than producing themselves?
I think it's going to combine Hisilicon's R&D center and foundry... there's no other R and D center that big, but that's rumour
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Huawei joint venture with ICRD has several thousands wafer per month productivity in 2021. It is an 14nm de-Americanized production line.
@PopularScience bro I thought it's for 28nm and 22nm auto chip, 14nm is a stretch for Huawei since they're new in the FAB business even with ICRD help, maybe in packaging. I'm hoping to proven wrong BUT I'm being realistic.


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we in Europe just try to survive among big and assertive powers,
... *Looks at Turkey, England, France*

In fact I can probably add Sweden and Norway too. Those two don't see themselves as military superpowers but they certainly believe they're "moral" superpowers - that they get to define what is "just and good" and not for the rest of the world.

But I'm off topic. I just literally got triggered by your comment.


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... *Looks at Turkey, England, France*

Among these the only one that I consider part of European community is France. England is more anglo-saxon than European, they belong to a very specific and very peculiar group of people living and ruling in many countries around the world.

If you instead refer to geographical Europe, then also Russia is Europe (at least for its most powerful part, where its headquarters are, and to where its dominating ethnicity, the Slavic people, belong).

BTW Russia by geography, culture, and history is definitely more European than Turkey. No disrespect to Turkish friends here, it is just a fact.

Sorry for the off-topic.
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