Chinese semiconductor industry

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Thanks for the link! (it's never easy to find them)

CMP seems to be a hot topic nowadays in China, I had already 2 firms with this product:

Hwatsing Technology Co (Huahai Qingke Zero2IPO)
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Semicore Micorelectronic (Beijing Shuoke Jingwei Electronic Equipment)
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Is a critical process in semiconductor manufacturing nowday specially in smaller nodes, 3D NAND and advanced packaging.

Hwatsing Technology Co, they are very advance in this area, their products are used in 3D NAND and process nodes from 14nm-28nm.

Apart for having products for 3D packaging



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In order to improve the ability to independently develop high-performance chips, my country has started EUVL research. The project "7000 W axial fast flow CO 2 laser" jointly undertaken by Wuhan Optics Valley Keweijing and Huake has successfully passed the acceptance and reached the international advanced level, forming a series of 1 kW–10 kW fast axial flow CO 2 laser products. It will be developed in the direction of high-power and high-purity radially polarized fast axial-flow CO 2 lasers [
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] . Huazhong University of Science and Technology has successfully developed a series of cross-flow CO 2 lasers with powers of 2 kW, 5 kW and 10 kW, and successfully commercialized more than 100 sets of high-power cross-flow CO 2 laser processing systems [
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] . Pan Qikun et al. [
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] proposed a laser power stabilization method and laser power amplification system, which effectively improved the stability of the output narrow pulse width laser power and pulse energy after CO 2 laser amplification. After that, the team proposed a dual-wavelength laser coaxial output system, which solved the problem that tunable CO 2 lasers could not output dual wavelengths at the same time, and improved the use of dual-wavelength CO 2 lasers in EUV lithography light sources in the MOPA system . power extraction efficiency and consistency of dual-wavelength CO laser beam quality, polarization degree, and transmission direction in [
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] . Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics proposed a molten droplet generation device for EUV light sources, and then proposed an integrated tin raw material canning system for droplet targets in EUV light sources, which can obtain more uniform melting tin, and its high degree of integration, safe and convenient operation, suitable for the canning of EUV light source tin raw
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] . Yin Peiqi et al. [
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] conducted extensive research on the characteristics of plasma generated by laser pulse irradiation of droplets, and carried out experimental research on Nd:YAG laser-induced droplet plasma by using direct imaging method and shadow method, and analyzed the droplet plasma. The expansion characteristics of the body plume and the movement of the droplets under the laser action. Sun Qin et al. [
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] carried out research on the diagnosis method of tin plasma characteristics irradiated by pulsed laser, and used Langmuir probe to obtain the time evolution of electron temperature and electron density of tin plasma generated by irradiation with different laser energies. Qi Lehua et al. [
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] conducted research on the uniform generation and shape change of droplets. Through numerical simulation and experimental research on the uniform droplet spraying process, it was found that the droplet jet velocity mainly depends on the spray pressure, and the droplet flow uniformity mainly depends on the spray pressure. Depending on the disturbance frequency and disturbance amplitude, the pressure field of the jet changes periodically. Xiao Yuan et al. [
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] used a self-developed metal droplet generation system to analyze the influence of impurities attached to the nozzle wall of the droplet generator on the ejection stability and the effect of process parameters on the uniformity of the droplet. The development has certain reference value. Wang Zhanshan et al [
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]A Mo/Si multilayer spherical mirror suitable for 13.5 nm extreme ultraviolet light was developed. The diameter of the spherical mirror is 125 mm and the radius of the curved surface is 143 mm. The uniformity of the multilayer film thickness of the spherical mirror is below 0.8%. The diameter of the circular mirror is 300 mm. The Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics successfully produced a 13.5 nm EUV mirror in 2011, with a test reflectivity of 67.8%, close to the theoretical maximum value of 73.7% [
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] . Wang Xun et al. [
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] used the reactive magnetron sputtering process, combined with the "hysteresis loop" relationship composed of sputtering voltage and oxygen flow rate, to prepare a metal oxide protective layer with excellent purity, roughness, density and uniformity. . Sun Shizhuang et al. [
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] used molecular dynamics model to simulate the probability of reflection and re-sputtering during the deposition of Mo/Si atoms, and prepared multilayer film samples on substrates with different tilt angles through magnetron sputtering experiments to verify the simulation. Simulation results of the model. Sun Shizhuang et al. [
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] obtained the relationship between air pressure and target-substrate distance and film surface roughness.
Today, we are in the process of upgrading and transforming DUV to EUV lithography. Through the continuous efforts of domestic researchers, active learning and reference of foreign advanced technologies, coupled with the support of strong comprehensive national strength, my country's lithography technology and semiconductor industry will definitely enter the fast lane of development. And gradually shorten the gap with the international advanced level.
With more effort and commercial incentive have a working prototype much sooner than most people think is not impossible.


China has about 17 years left of 15-18 million potential university graduates entering the labor force annually. After that it starts to drop precipitously. In the 2040s the 1980s generation (the last generation before the decline in China's birth rate set in) starts to retire in earnest. If China hasn't leaped ahead technologically by then, it's in trouble. It could honestly extend this a little by winning more international talent and scientists to come to China, but it would have to improve living standards and overcome covid challenges for these people to immigrate.
Younger people are a lot more educated than older people in China. When the population shrinks it will be the oldest part of the labor force, not the youngest part, that leaves, and as a result the same time China’s labor force is shrinking it will also become increasingly better educated. Insofar as high skill industries are concerned China’s labor situation is getting better, not worse, even as population decline kicks into higher gear.


ASML has been creating "working EUV prototypes" since 2005, but productivity has always been an issue, 2005 dude, the Chinese didn't even dreamed to have a supercomputer back them, now at least they have better tools.

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The two biggest sticking points for early EUV development, and why EUV was adopted a decade later than intended, was laser power and optimizing the plasma dynamics of the tin droplets. The baseline knowledge and tools for handling both are much better today than they were a decade and a half ago.


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The two biggest sticking points for early EUV development, and why EUV was adopted a decade later than intended, was laser power and optimizing the plasma dynamics of the tin droplets. The baseline knowledge and tools for handling both are much better today than they were a decade and a half ago.
I am not even saying they will have a high NA 200 WPH EUV machines in three years. But there is a technical reason why they shouldn't be able to create working prototypes like the ones ASML created 12 years ago, in a relative short time? Nothing crazy, low NA, 10-20 WPH.


I am not even saying they will have a high NA 200 WPH EUV machines in three years. But there is a technical reason why they shouldn't be able to create working prototypes like the ones ASML created 12 years ago, in a relative short time? Nothing crazy, low NA, 10-20 WPH.
And I’m saying they shouldn’t have to start at what ASML produced 12 years ago. If the rumors pan out they’re already starting with light sources far more powerful than what ASML had 12 years ago, with a much better idea of how to optimize the interaction between the laser and tin droplets than anyone in 2005 to maximize light output needed to do more than 10-20 WPH. By far the biggest driving factor for wafer processing speed is photon dosage per area, and that’s dictated by your light output.


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And I’m saying they shouldn’t have to start at what ASML produced 12 years ago. If the rumors pan out they’re already starting with light sources far more powerful than what ASML had 12 years ago, with a much better idea of how to optimize the interaction between the laser and tin droplets than anyone in 2005 to maximize light output needed to do more than 10-20 WPH. By far the biggest driving factor for wafer processing speed is photon dosage per area, and that’s dictated by your light output.
I just put it as the lower limit, if is "imposible" to reach what ASML did 12-15 years ago in a reasonable short time with all the design advantages and know how that we have today then we may need some technical explanation why.
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