in terms of operational costs, let's say that there's only 10 end user stations out of 20 because they're large facilities and few companies can afford the use of these beamlines.
For comparison, the synchrotron at Diamond in the UK has 32 beamlines and 24 linear beamlines.
At 4 million EUR equivalent per user per year, a hypothetical EUV lithography synchrotron generates breaks even, since it costs 40 million GBP (about 1 EUR) for 22 beamlines operational and 67 million EUR for 33 beamlines. These are knowns.
And that's at 1/2 capacity. At 90% capacity you can essentially halve the cost per user and still break even. You don't need to make a profit on this as a public good but you can just charge 40% less instead of 50% and it'll be profitable.
For comparison, the synchrotron at Diamond in the UK has 32 beamlines and 24 linear beamlines.
At 4 million EUR equivalent per user per year, a hypothetical EUV lithography synchrotron generates breaks even, since it costs 40 million GBP (about 1 EUR) for 22 beamlines operational and 67 million EUR for 33 beamlines. These are knowns.
And that's at 1/2 capacity. At 90% capacity you can essentially halve the cost per user and still break even. You don't need to make a profit on this as a public good but you can just charge 40% less instead of 50% and it'll be profitable.