Chinese purchase of Su-35


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From the Russian's point of view, they need to sell the Su-35 as an entire package with Russian avionics and weapons. The Russians can't nickle and dime the Chinese with just an airframe. From Chinese's point of view, the Su-35 is not good to buy for those exact reasons. There will be no way for Su-35 to use Chinese data-link and weapons unless the Chinese completely gut the Su-35. However, if China did that, then China had to spend money on things that immediately go in the trash bin.

From what I heard, Russia finally relented and willing to change to accommodate China's request.
Even at worst case nothing got changed Su35 would be a designated superiority fighter with only A2A missiles (forget bombs, AShM and others) which China can purchase from Russia. 24 planes aren't a whole lot.
2 Billion for 24 planes is not that much money. Japan just purchased 3 US predators drones for 1.2 Billion. Therefore China willing to get the SU35 to be used as reference.

China wants to pit J20, J31, J11D against SU35.
Finally it wants to get some clue about 117S engine.
Even Su35 don't go into actual combat, China still willing to pay for it as reference.


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People said "Chinese haven't confirmed it" in previous times as well.

Look, each day that passes implies there is less reason to buy the Su-35. With J-20 wrapping up flight testing phase, the money could be better spent at buying J-20's instead.

Come on now, 2 Billion is Chump Changes.
Big economic Power house shouldn't be so Petty.


Lieutenant General
Except for Mig-29 in this discussion I love how the "newbies" experience Groundhog's Day regarding this story as if this was the first time. They just don't understand people who don't believe it? Maybe because it hasn't happened the multiple times before they said the deal was signed?


Come on now, 2 Billion is Chump Changes.
Big economic Power house shouldn't be so Petty.

From what I heard, Russia finally relented and willing to change to accommodate China's request.
Even at worst case nothing got changed Su35 would be a designated superiority fighter with only A2A missiles (forget bombs, AShM and others) which China can purchase from Russia. 24 planes aren't a whole lot.
2 Billion for 24 planes is not that much money. Japan just purchased 3 US predators drones for 1.2 Billion.
If that is chump change, I'm sure they could spent it on a few extra J-20s.

Therefore China willing to get the SU35 to be used as reference.

China wants to pit J20, J31, J11D against SU35.
Finally it wants to get some clue about 117S engine.
Even Su35 don't go into actual combat, China still willing to pay for it as reference.
There is no need for Su-35 to be a reference when J-20 is so much better.


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If that is chump change, I'm sure they could spent it on a few extra J-20s.

Nothing worst than sending an underpowered exotic plane out there with no street cred; On the contrary if J20 can decisive defeat SU35 repeatedly then that means A lot.


Senior Member
Registered Member
That's exactly what the Su-35 is.

Most analysts don't agree with you. On papers, J20 looks superior but SU35 is known for its mobility and has proven tech. How reliable are Chinese AESA radar and engines?
For example, China has designed , manufactured its own brand cars many years already but how many of them in the roads of western countries?
looks good in spec is only half of the battle.