Chinese new armed vehicle "SX-1" for paratrooper

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Banned Idiot
What a terrible reply. :nono:

Because the SX-1 has plastic or non existent armor-the three paratroopers sitting in it can be shot-all in one go.
then you repeat yourself
And when you are detected, you will be roadkill for the ambush that you never saw coming (read: Iraq, Vietnam) because your SX-1 has comparable armor to a bum in a wheelie bin.
then you revoke your own argument!
Like Ahho said, "FAV is for fast transport and surveilance. It is not meant to assault an enemy position with it. If you get spotted, the FAV is use to transport out the scout as fast as possible".
the armor was NEVER THE POINT, WAS IT? :nana:
I was saying that one reconnaissance specialist in camoflague with a radio on a motorcycle could perform the recon much better than the SX-1 could-without such a high risk of detection-as the British and German armies having been doing for the last century in WWII through to now-as well as the SAS with minimal casualties. You can't go wrong with an SAS tried and tested method.
Why are three motorbikes any harder to spot than a single FAV, ANYWAY? Or are you saying we do recon with 1/3rd as many people, since among driving, shooting, and spotting, you only care about driving? Sorry hkpride is an anglophile is not answer, even if he *was* british slave for 100 years. of your post just pointlessly repeats the armor issue


New Member

I repeat myself simply because you do not have a clue as to what I am saying.

Ahho has said "FAV is for fast transport and surveilance. It is not meant to assault an enemy position with it. If you get spotted, the FAV is use to transport out the scout as fast as possible".

This is not contradictory at all-simply a response to your post by another member who pointed out that what you said-"Most likely I'll pop up over a hill, just enough to expose my 12.7mm, blast you away through sandbags, run back to prepare the IFV assault" was WRONG because NOBODY-unless they have a death wish-will use a FAV to assault sandbags that are a part of a fortified position. Secondly, If you had any knowledge about ballistics or the land forces at all -you would know a 12.7mm round cannot penetrate a wall of sandbags, thus exposing yourself to a deluge of enemy fire such as mortars, ATGMs or light/heavy machine gun fire-which would be suicidal as you are in an FAV. Thirdly, my argument-along with Ahho's is that an FAV can be used for transport and surveillance but NOT Reconaissance.

Surveillance is for keeping an eye out for enemy forces such as with binoculars. Recon is THROUGHLY scouting out an enemy position and the disposition of his forces. So my point is the SX-1 is not suitable for Recon but can be used for most other things-although a minor/major safety hazard, depending on your view.

It is foolish of you if you profess to know all about the Military and say childish things such as "Why are three motorbikes any harder to spot than a single FAV, ANYWAY? Or are you saying we do recon with 1/3rd as many people, since among driving, shooting, and spotting, you only care about driving?"

Using common sense, a trained recon specialist in camo on a motorcycle can lay down his bike and infiltrate to his operating zone with a radio and binoculars to scout out the enemy without attracting attention. Sadly, you seem to think that a three man crew is neccessary for recon-do you know that the man on the motorcycle can also scout too?:rofl:

One hidden scout with a radio is worth one hundred times more than three men who make noise in an FAV-as well as being less visibly obvious.

In my view, Armor is important for everything in war-as it reduces the risk to your life-the alternative is mobility-which a cross country motorcycle performs better in than the SX-1. However it seems you do prefer to go without either-which is fine with me as nobody would really miss you anyway. However, I think the paratroopers of the PLA would have families that CARE about them and therefore, armor (and an uparmored FAV) is important for their wellbeing and survival.

This is a forum for serious discussion of land warfare-not suicide.

BTW-Just because I deeply respect and admire the SAS does not mean I am an anglophile and a 'British Slave'. They are one of the best special forces in the world and in the event of a face off between you and an SAS operator-I would bet on the man who has passed through the ultimate test of endurance marching across the Grampians Mountains as opposed to a fat Goldenpanda who can't even run to save his life.
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Banned Idiot
And I can't get off my FAV?

If there's cover around for your motorbike there's cover for my FAV too. On the other hand if there is NO cover, at least I can suppress the enemy while I run away? (assuming the gun can be quickly turned backwards)

You keep refusing to acknowledge the need for more crew. With 3 guys and my gun I can recon at much higher tempo than your "stop, drive, stop, take a leak" method. I have one person driving, two others watching and thinking.

Your dear SAS is little more than lavishly equipped guerrillas. Hey what do you think happens when my FAV meets one of their bikes? ;) Yes I will rip your sand bag to pieces. Nothing wrong with softening you up before the airstrike, followed by wave of Type 97's.


Junior Member
you both need to shut the hell up.

If you can't envision what roles this vehicle can properly play, you need to..oh I don't, get away from your comp.

And if you're fighting over something as trivial as this, you really need to grow up.


New Member
You have every right to get off your FAV-who says your are not allowed to?

Sure, you can also conceal your FAV if you want to as well-that is your right in a democracy:roll:

Seriously now, assuming that you attempt to "suppress" the enemy while running away with your 12.7mm machine gun

(which for your information cannot be turned backwards- you idiot, refer to the pictures of the SX-1 on page 1 of this thread to see why it can't be turned backwards and be fired)

but if it could-u can only see that the suspension of the FAV does not allow for accurate targeting of the 12.7mm machine gun while vehicle is in motion-so you would be firing erratically like you were on drugs or something-all the while under enemy fire and possibly an enemy helicopter gunship which would really ruin your day.

I do acknowledge the need for more crew in most circumstances-its just that for a SX-1 it is unnecessary to have three men in one vehicle with no protection against even 5.56 Nato rounds-the basic enemy theat-in effect sending three men out in an aluminium and plastic coffin. Also, compared to three men in an SX-1, one recon specialist on a motorbike with a radio can steathily RECON/SCOUT the enemy position (please refer to my post about the difference in the army between RECON and SURVEILLANCE-which you seem to be confused about) and report back-as WELL AS take a leak in the bushes-in silent mode.

All I'm saying which I have been trying to say in my posts is that in the recon role-the SX-1 is dangerous for the crew and a trained RECON specialist on motorcycle is a superior alternative which would save soldiers' lives while reducing the risk of casualties.

Also, please fix up your vocabulary as well as your logic in your quote:

"Your dear SAS is little more than lavishly equipped guerrillas. Hey what do you think happens when my FAV meets one of their bikes? Yes I will rip your sand bag to pieces. Nothing wrong with softening you up before the airstrike, followed by wave of Type 97's."

My questions to you are:
1.When does a bike become a sandbag?
2.Are we talking about airstrikes here?
3.Also, when does the Type 97 come into the serious military discussion if this thread is on the SX-1 and not other vehicles?

Also, instead of bagging the SAS, remember that they are trained in most forms of warfare and one of them is one thousand times more of a real man than you are. If you want to brag about your "kills" in an FAV I suggest you go back to your BF2 Forum and post a comment there announcing that a Goldenpanda *killed* lots of in-game SAS operators.


Banned Idiot
I really love the SX-1. how can I buy one.

Yes in my personal SX-1 I will replace the seat with RED+GREEN camouflage. What you think I can get chics?

Well if I can collapse the bottom support to flush with the back bar, then I move my mount point backwards. so why can't I turn it around to fire the gun?

Hey I think you have no shooting skills. How do you think mongol archers shoot from horseback? Yes you CAN shoot accurate in a moving vehicle, as accurate as you need to with a machine gun.

The point is SAS are take-all-day guerrillas. Tactical recon needs TEMPO TEMPO TEMPO. While my driver puts distance between me and your dead body, my gunners shoots your remaining friends, I'm already radio in the airstrike.
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New Member

Somebody ban this loony, because he has reverted to his basic animal instincts and is now looking to get "chics" aka. "girls"

Turn your 12.7mm machine gun backwards and maybe the ugliest one will notice you.

I'm moving on from this thread because there is a lunatic who when he is throughly outmaneuvered in a trivial military discussion resorts to talking about "chics".

Give me a Break


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Ok this BS stops now...

Everybody who have shoot with the 12.7 mm AAA raise your hands? (WHy I'm not seeing anyones else hand raised other than mine?:nono: )

Anti-aricraft machineguns are not mented to be sniper-rifles, they are desighned from the outset to be inaccurate. For exampble NSV is designed to shoot each round to bit different location than the other, eg. creating sort of shotgun effect. Ín general AAA guns are not mented to hit the airbrone target at all, but to make supression barriers which the enemy arcrafts has to envade and outmanuvre in order not to get a hit.

Those who have never fired such a weapon I can assure you that you cannot hit anything smaller than single family house over the distance of 50 m.

What comes to the vehicle, its only usable to transport the airbrone units officers from one place to another as all officers tends to dislike walking (wonder why :rolleyes:)

This thread is closed as you kids cannot play nicely. Also Goldenpanda is recieved a warning as he was intentionally flaming.
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