Chinese Naval Threat to SEA?


VIP Professional
China has benefitted economically more than any SE Asian country from freedom of the seas & right of innocent passage. The ASEAN–China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), which consists of China and the ASEAN-6, ranks 3rd behind EU and NAFTA in trade volume. China-ASEAN trade increased from $60 billion in 2003 to $293 billion in 2010. In comparison, US-China trade grew from $180 billion in 2003 to $450 billion in 2010. ASEAN is now China's 4th largest trading partner after EU, US, and Japan.

It's not in China's self-interest to strangle the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Anyone who claims otherwise is complete bonk. Despite all the hoopla over territorial disputes between China and Vietnam & Philippines, it did not stop China-Vietnam trade to grow by 42% in 2010 and discussions of VISA-free tourism, or China providing military aid & sales to PH.
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Senior Member
Your post is good sleight of hand presented piece, but thanks and no thanks to the suggestions.

Suggesting that it was time for China to take over Asian Security, would be viewed with horror by most other SE.Asian countries. IMO they would view it as China taking back her historic control over these areas.
Equally relieving for these countries in the Pacific is the fact that American presence in the Pacific is preventing China from pursuing her strategy of declaring the second island chain as in her core interests.


Most of SEA's 'horror' of any Chinese taking over of Asian security is mainly just a natural unease anyone would have over some future unknowns. SEA has shown they can live with real horrors of having millions killed in the Vietnam war and the colonization of Philippines, just to name a few, in the last century by the US.
China will be hard-pressed to exceed the horrors of the Vietnam war and colonization of Philippines even if it does take over Asian security in the future so I'm sure SEA will have little problem getting used to any future security arrangements dominated by China.


Lieutenant General
The 'fear' that SEA nations express about China is a) way exaggerated by western media and politicians to serve their own purpose, b) completely natural if not to be expected when smaller, weaker nations are neighbors with a top world power, and c) China's claims and positions is so often misrepresented and distorted.

It is a striking testament to the intensity and effectiveness of this propaganda campaign that even well respected and very knowledgeable and intelligent members like Jeff are operating under the false assumption that China is claiming the entire South China Sea and would bar all foreign shipping from there if given half a chance.

That is simply not true, and does not even make much sense if you think about it, as others have already explained above.


New Member
Suggesting that it was time for China to take over Asian Security, would be viewed with horror by most other SE.Asian countries.

Why? Historically, China has had a better record at managing peace in Asia than any other power.


China and the 500 Years’ Peace

One of the great myths of Western history is that nation states, and their organization in an interstate system, are European inventions. As Giovanni Arrighi argues, Asia's system of nation states, with China at the center, fostered a period of peace and economic growth previously unheard of in the West.

A first difference concerns the frequency of wars. Long periods of peace among European powers were the exception — rather than the rule. Thus, the “hundred years’ peace” (1815-1914) that followed the Napoleonic Wars was, in Karl Polanyi’s words, “a phenomenon unheard of in the annals of Western civilization.”

Moreover, even during this hundred years’ peace, European states were involved in countless wars of conquest in the non-European world — as well as in the escalating armament race that culminated in the industrialization of war.

While the initial result of these involvements was a new wave of geographical expansion which dampened conflicts within the European system, their eventual result was a new round of wars among European powers (1914-45) of unprecedented destructiveness.

In sharp contrast to this dynamic, the East Asian system of national states stood out for the near absence of military competition and
Unlike Europe, the East Asian system of national states stood out for the near absence of military competition and geographical expansion.
geographical expansion.

Thus, with the exception of China’s frontier wars — the main purpose of which was the transformation of a hard-to-defend frontier into a buffer against raiders and conquerors from Inner Asia — the national states of the East Asian system were almost uninterruptedly at peace with one another, not for 100, but for 300 years.

This 300 years’ peace was bracketed by two Japanese invasions of Korea, both of which precipitated a war with China — the Sino-Japanese wars of 1592-98 and 1894-95.

Between 1598 and 1894, there were only three brief wars that involved China — the 1659-60 and the 1767-71 wars with Burma, and the 1788-89 war with Vietnam, as well as two wars that did not involve China — the Siamese-Burmese wars of 1607-18 and of 1660-62.

Indeed, insofar as China is concerned, we should speak of a 500 years’ peace since, in the 200 years preceding the 1592 Japanese invasion of Korea, China was at war with other East Asian states only during the invasion of Vietnam in 1406-28 to restore the Tran dynasty.


Junior Member
The territorial waters of the South China Sea, East China Sea and Sea of Japan are issues that need to be discussed & negotiated sensibly without the use of force or any bullying tactics. Claimants must prove without any doubt their stated claims, and without ambuiguity. There are energy resources below these seas that could be jointly explored for mutual benefits. As for the security, the US has a defence treaty with the Philippines. The USN also carries our regular naval exercises with Australia, Japan, S.Korea etc., and I believe the Philippines and Vietnam have/or would be participating. It would be difficult to keep out the US from the region, as quite frankly the Americans have political, security and economic interests. The US has come up with TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), while China is establishing an ASEAN Centre located in Beijing that focuses on cultural exchanges, and importantly promoting investments and business between China and the ASEAN countries. Economic issues are foremost in the minds of the countries in the region, and whoever can improve the lives of the people would have the greater influence.


Senior Member
The territorial waters of the South China Sea, East China Sea and Sea of Japan are issues that need to be discussed & negotiated sensibly without the use of force or any bullying tactics. Claimants must prove without any doubt their stated claims, and without ambuiguity. There are energy resources below these seas that could be jointly explored for mutual benefits. As for the security, the US has a defence treaty with the Philippines. The USN also carries our regular naval exercises with Australia, Japan, S.Korea etc., and I believe the Philippines and Vietnam have/or would be participating. It would be difficult to keep out the US from the region, as quite frankly the Americans have political, security and economic interests. The US has come up with TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), while China is establishing an ASEAN Centre located in Beijing that focuses on cultural exchanges, and importantly promoting investments and business between China and the ASEAN countries. Economic issues are foremost in the minds of the countries in the region, and whoever can improve the lives of the people would have the greater influence.

I am going to put this in delicate diplomatic language.

TPP was something between couple of economic feather weights until US very recently usurp it as a wedge/alternative to the ASEAN+3 china has been pushing (successfully). ASEAN freetrade arrangements and various RMB clearing/ currency swaps has boosted asian trade networks substantially in the last 10 years, enriching and enhancing copperation between ASEAN+3 countries.

and other than that the various Raison d'être you listed for continuing various US presence and securities arrangements in East and South East Asia can be basically summed up as:
"US is there before so it is there now"... no economic or real securities or rational basis.

a big majority of shipping that goes through SCS is china bound. only a small percent is US bound. so it is bit preposterous to suggest that US has a preeminent interest in SCS free navigation, clearly It is US Navy not chinese Navy that has a chokehold on the strategically all important strait of malacca. in time of conflict or difficulties, especially unfortunate future misunderstandings that happens to involves china and us on opposing sides, I do not see freedom of navigation being applied to chinese civilian shipping to SCS. frankly good will is something one can not really depend on for national survivial in time of crisis, especially with 1.5 billion people and especially with that with the Anglo-American alliance on the other side, which more often or not does not distinguish civil and military targets and employs total war tactics as often as it can...
as these example amplily demonstrates: the horrible and illegal blockade of Germany by Royal Navy during WWI,
as Nato alliance's bombing of serbian civil infrastructure (bridges across danbue, water treatment plants, TV/radio stations) during 1999 Kosovo war; mass aerial bombing/slaughter of civilians cities in Germany by RAF, by USAF in Japan during pacific war... etc etc .
so I do not think a blockade of china bound shipping, especially mid-eastern oil, would be a far stretch in these terrible eventualities.
even if we do not talk about blockade during conflicts, the mere presence of a potential US choke hold would exert a psychological influence on all calculation in Beijing, by the mere acts of "hedging", one is influencing the events towards terrible outcome that no one openly professes wants to see.

all these being said, now I hope you do realize how hypocritical US sounds in the private conversation in Beijing and Shangha, when suddenly Obama pronounce key US interest in SEA and push for TPP, and all these enhanced securities arrangments in SEA/Australia.
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Off-Topic(Not Just Naval): A Very Interesting Speech By A Former PLA Official





































Google Translation:

General Chi's Tough Language: we must fight to destroy the small Japanese and cripple the U.S.

This is the original people of the Republic of the Central Military Commission Vice Chairman and Defense Minister Chi Haotian on the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission, a statement ....

* No country in pursuit of national interests as the only code of conduct, and not to leave any room for morality.

* Peace and development is a contemporary theme is entirely wrong, and wishful thinking, plays a harmful role of the doctrine of anesthesia

* Development means danger and threats, there is no "right war" has no right to development

* Our Siwei Ji points should also be: China's development is a threat to Japan and so on.

* There is a big country hegemony is the essential characteristic of

Topic: War is coming - Chi


Write down the subject heart was heavy, because China, the process was repeated external forces and direct aggression against disruption, the most typical is the 1927-37 year the so-called "golden years", in the eyes of the so-called golden years see is not gold, that the middle 1931 9.18 northeast of the fall, the establishment of a puppet regime Jidong, but relatively speaking, ,1927-37 China's fast economic development, considerable progress in infrastructure construction, also pick up army building, China had little hope.

But Japan can not tolerate, misappropriation of the Northeast is not met, can not wait to launch a full war of aggression against China was forced to scorched earth war policy struggling for eight years, although China tragic victory, but lost of Outer Mongolia, vitality, loss of property over $ 600 billion, after eight years of the ravages of war, the more the poor and weak China was poor, it can be said of Japan's aggression war against China in particular, greatly slowed the overall China's process.

Does not allow the development of China and hinder the process of China has been always the same powers, especially Japan's national policy, and we should have the most poignant lessons of history. Cooperation between countries, but also the nature of competition, conflict and extreme form of conflict - war. Cooperation is temporary and conditional competition and conflict is absolute, is the history of the spindle, so-called peace and development is a contemporary theme is entirely wrong (most can only be used as an expedient measure), this argument Nothing can stand the scrutiny of both the theoretical basis, further from the truth and historical experience. Do not say that China and such geographic, historical rival, even 60 years of Sino-Soviet split is enough for any country in pursuit of national interests as the only code of conduct, and not to leave any room for morality.

When the Soviet Union share a common ideology, facing a common enemy, and the low technological level of China so that China can not be a threat to the Soviet Union, but the Soviet Union still divided, and thus to a sharp confrontation. One reason many clues, but a fundamental reason is that the Soviet Union do not want to see a growing and increasingly powerful China and its standing shoulder to shoulder, even if only this trend is far from a reality does not work.

If you have a common ideology, common enemy, a strong and weak in the Soviet Union can be split, then the so-called questions of peace and development in contemporary China under the auspices of the strategy that gives spell, strategy and diplomacy of the illusory nature of vulnerability, risk will be very the obvious. The reason why the contemporary theme of peace and development are saying is completely wrong, wishful thinking, plays a harmful role of the doctrine of Ma, for the following reasons:

First, the process of foreign powers against China is its consistent policy of

China's modern history from the experiences, lessons learned, and the People's Republic 50 years of historical experience and lessons can be drawn from such a law of history: great powers against (including the use of full-scale war means) is the usual process of China's national policy. In the past 160 years so, in the next 160 years is still the case.

Second, the development means the dangers and threats, there is no "right war" has no right to development

Development means danger, threat, which is the world's history, General. Have only a special case in Chinese history, such as the Han Dynasty was defeated all opponents within the geographical limits, you can "closed door" development, and thus produced a "world doctrine." Because, whether from the population, military, economic, cultural and measure any party, without any great Han ethnic group and do not see any par or even ethnic groups have the potential of this par.

In the Warring States period, a country's development means that the threat of another country, this is the general rule in world history, but also the core and foundation of Western diplomacy. Western diplomacy is the originator of the French Cardinal Richelieu, it was his first out of the diplomacy of the Middle Ages, "Mongolian style", creating a diplomatic discard any moral and religious constraints, all the national interests of the rotation axis. His foreign policy that will benefit the French 200 years, dominate Europe, and his planned 30-year war makes Germany creatures figure charcoal, a small country split into various states, always in turmoil, until Bismarck unified Germany. The German unification process that does not Bismarck's "war powers", there is no national unity, and no right to development.

Third, the technology under the knife, the only choice for China

China threat theory is completely correct, this is typical of Western thinking. "I'm behind closed doors to develop their economies, this bother anyone?" This Chinese-style way of thinking is not only stupid, they can not and "international standards." In the Warring States Period, in the national interest of this cruel, does not allow any warmth, who hold a shred of imagination to see who would have been cruel to punish a large history, China's development is a threat to Japan, of course, China itself can do not think so, but China is almost impossible to change Japan and other powers that have been and "international standards", and deep thinking. So should we Siwei Ji point must also be: China's development is a threat to Japan and so on.

Press the "truth" that every country, nation has the right to life, the right to development, such as China's economic development, and we must import oil, in order to protect the ecological, China closed forest, we must import raw materials such as wood, which is more natural, more "reasonable" but the thing, but there are powers of powers "grounds" big man like China, if the procurement of oil in 2010 reached 100 million tons in 2020 to purchase 200 million tons, powers would tolerate it?

Competition for basic living resources (including land, sea) is the source of the history of the vast majority of war, in this information age there will be changes, but not essentially change. Developed, advanced, civilized, such as Israel, not to. Large areas (including the competition for water) and the Arab, Pakistani playing for 50 years, still one day non-stop play? In order to be legitimate, but for the right to development (unless the Chinese people will never be content with poverty, with development only to give up), China must prepare for war, it is not determined by us, but not by us, some of the good people of good intentions decision , in fact it is "international practice" and powers of decision.

China's 20 years of peace and development policy has come to an end, the international environment has undergone a qualitative change, that is once again ready to break the powers of China's modernization process, China to develop and maintain their right to development, we must prepare for war only prepared to fight to win the development of space and time.

Fourth, the (large) foreign affairs decisions

Even China is not necessarily the most eagle hawks now advocate war, although we have enough good reasons, such as the national unity of the war, such as the purpose of safeguarding the interests of the South China Sea. Is to the right to development, a rare treasure to China 160 years, and thus extremely valuable development rights, but when this right to development is increasingly being threatened, that is, we must take up arms to defend the right to development, when the Chinese people.

Foreign affairs decisions, this is true, but do not forget the Warring States Period, (large) also decided to foreign affairs. This is not just a theoretical statement, statement of historical experience more of the PRC, 70 years of China's defense expenditure in excess of the science, education, culture, health expenditures sum (and thus the poorer people's lives). I certainly do not hope that China's military spending more than science, education, culture, health expenditures sum, in fact, China's need for investment in education. But powers allow it? Do not want to pour more money into science, education, culture, health on it?

Some people say that, according to the so-called Soviet declassified documents show that the 1960s and 1970s the Soviet invasion of China is not a comprehensive plan, even if the decrypted file is correct, can not explain "the truth of history," chess game is interactive, not leadership made in China under the fullest spiritual and material preparation, greatly increases the risk of full-scale invasion of the Soviet Union and the cost of history turn in another direction entirely, weakness would only attract aggression, from this perspective, it is the real defenders of peace.

Fifth, seeking good was evil, peace in China can do the next 10 years

Interrupt the process of China, Chinese people deprived of the right to development, there are many cards to play foreign powers, most notably the three cards are "islands", among which the most effective brand of Taiwan. Taiwan Straits war when it broke out, the decision is not in our hands, not in the hands of the Taiwan independence elements, but in the hands of the U.S. and Japan. If the outbreak of the Taiwan Straits war, it is not just unity of the war, the U.S. and Japan deeper commitment to the development of the right to deprive the Chinese people once again to interrupt the process in China, as the history of the war Jiawu, full-scale invasion of Japan , not just cede territory and pay indemnities, more essential is the Japanese interrupted the process of China, Chinese people deprived of civil rights, like the hair.

Therefore, we have a strategic battle of view of war across the Taiwan Strait. And with our current force levels, in terms far from the US-Japan strategic battle, especially for the United States on a more strategic battle is not enough, because only a few Chinese ICBMs, and the United States has been bent to the development of NMD.

To prevent the time delay Taiwan Straits war broke out, first we must rise to the Taiwan Straits war "symmetrical strategy battle" standard, not only break the death process, if we can not win the Taiwan Straits war, the consequences of defeat than Jiawu still miserable. Therefore, no war already, war will have total destruction of Japan, the United States labeled as disabled, which is only a nuclear war to be competent.

Seeking good was evil, this is the final outcome of our current policy, seek evil was good, only Japan has fully destroy destroy, the ability of the United States labeled as disabled in order to win the peace, or the Taiwan issue has dragged on for 10 years, however, must be within 10 War!

Sixth, there is a big country hegemony is the essential characteristic of

What is power? There is a hegemonic power, hegemony is not trampled upon, the fate (including the right) puppet controlled by others *. Hegemony in the Warring States Period is an objective reality, "is not the people's will," and you realize that not only question is, is actively pursuing, or passive * close to all the problems in China, including the islands issue, the development of strategic industries issues, the interests of all sectors of the domestic adjustment problems are ultimately for the national hegemony of the problem.

Hegemony can not be right to endless infighting, internal stability and unity to the British because of the enormous benefits of overseas colonial, early implementation of the "working class, aristocratic," summarized from China, Japan to take the huge compensation and the market will not only help the top, but also Japan's lower benefit immensely. Times have changed, conditions are not the same, but the substance has not changed, we should not only hegemonic perspective on military, diplomatic issues, but also to look at the perspective of hegemony within the class, the class interests of the adjustment. * Only press elites exploit their lower class, at this point is not representative of the Warring States era of national interests, they are decadent, declining, good for nothing, and should be restricted, to be eliminated. Maturity, wisdom, in order to represent the national interests of the upper internal implementation of the "concessions" policy, leading the lower common access to overseas interests, (this issue is more complex, elaborate later, China is a huge interest from overseas, but we have not proactive to develop).


Why? Historically, China has had a better record at managing peace in Asia than any other power.

OT, but I can't resist.
"Thus, the “hundred years’ peace” (1815-1914) that followed the Napoleonic Wars" was 99 years of little British involvement in wars in Europe, except for the Crimean War, but also the independence wars of Greece ( with involvement of UK and France ) and Belgium, war between France and Austria, Prussia and Austria, Prussia and Denmark, Germany and France, Russia and Turkey, Austria and Turkey, several other wars on the Balkan. I'm sure I missed a few wars. So "a hundred years of peace"?
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Meh, it's kind of pointless to use skewed interpretations of history to attempt to support current agendas. East Asia did not have as many wars as Europe in medieval times because unlike Europe, East Asia had a powerful hegemon: China. In fact, you could say East Asia's nations were divided into two camps: those who were part of the Chinese protectorate, and those who constantly challenged China's defenses.

The fact that Europe had a lot of wars is a natural consequence of many near-peer nation-states living in close proximity of each other. China had the same thing during the Warring States era. The fact that the Europeans were able to peacefully achieve a kind of unity, flawed though it is, is a monumental achievement in itself. The fact is, China, in its 5000 years of history, had never been able to unite anything without a fight.

The People's Republic is not interested in reverting to the old policies of the Dynasty Emperors. The PRC has no interest in interfering with other nations sovereignty. It's only concern is the defense of its own national interests, a large part of which is territorial integrity.


Lieutenant General
Meh, it's kind of pointless to use skewed interpretations of history to attempt to support current agendas. East Asia did not have as many wars as Europe in medieval times because unlike Europe, East Asia had a powerful hegemon: China. In fact, you could say East Asia's nations were divided into two camps: those who were part of the Chinese protectorate, and those who constantly challenged China's defenses.

The fact that Europe had a lot of wars is a natural consequence of many near-peer nation-states living in close proximity of each other. China had the same thing during the Warring States era. The fact that the Europeans were able to peacefully achieve a kind of unity, flawed though it is, is a monumental achievement in itself. The fact is, China, in its 5000 years of history, had never been able to unite anything without a fight.

The People's Republic is not interested in reverting to the old policies of the Dynasty Emperors. The PRC has no interest in interfering with other nations sovereignty. It's only concern is the defense of its own national interests, a large part of which is territorial integrity.

What do you call WWII and the cold war?

Europe did not magically achieve a state of unity peacefully, it was the horrors of WWII that taught a generation the value of peace, and the hyped up threat from the Soviets that forged the fragmented European nations into a semblance of an united front. But one only needs to look at the sorry, bickering state of the EU to see just how 'united' Europe is.

Peace has always, and probably will always, require the application, or threat of force to impose, at any level. If you misbehave as a citizen, the police will use force to put you in your place. If a nation steps out of line, more powerful nations step in and take it down a peg or two with military force if necessary.

Peace and stability is built upon rules and certainties. And by sticking its nose into the SEA, America is actually promoting friction and conflict instead of peace and stability. By firstly giving small, weaker nations an inflated sense of worth and almost egging them on to overplay their hand and force a Chinese response. It appears their Georgian misadventure has taught the west nothing of the dangers of using proxies with their own agendas to prod a potential competitor.

Secondly, by throwing its weight in for weaker nations, the US is encouraging them to be more belligerent and less conciliatory, directly making it more difficult for disputes to be resolved peacefully on the negotiating table as a peaceful solution requires both parties to compromise and give ground. In addition, the US influence will make it harder for China to offer concessions of it's own because of the risk that such moves will look like China Kowtowing to US military threats.

Almost always when it suits them, western commentators and policy makers alike seem to operate under the quite ridiculous assumption that just because China is not a democracy, it means Beijing does not have to worry about how their foreign policy decisions are viewed back home by the citizens.

In fact, ironically, Beijing is probably far more sensitive to the opinions of it's citizens than western democracies precisely because it's leaders does not have the arrogance a democratic mandate seem to impart on western politicians.

The reason for why China has enjoyed so much peace with its neighbors have nothing to do with the lack of near peers. You only need to look over to the US to put the lie to that suggestion.

Something few westerns seem to understand about China, probably because this is such an alien concept for them, is that China's wars are as much about principle as it is about strategic gain.

In fact, China has time and again voluntarily pulled back off its own accord from strategically and tactically advantageous positions after they have achieved their military and political objectives to prove the fact that the military action was done out of principle rather than for material gain. But the western media willfully turns a blind eye to such acts.

Because of this abject failure on the part of the west to understand the motivations for China to go to war, the risks of conflict increase massively when western powers start to weigh in on regional matters, especially core interests of China. Because it is so easy for western planners to not realize that a small, strategically unimportant bit of land might cause China to go to war on principle, because they would never do so themselves.

China may be a lot more powerful than almost all of its neighbors, but its past and recent history has shown time and again that China is willing and able to be very generous and practical when it comes to settling disputes around territory, and has been very responsible and restrained unless a principle has been breached.

What the west has done is make some irrelevant empty speeches that no-one but themselves care about every time some crisis pops up, and then jump in and claim all the glory for a peaceful resolution of the crisis by insisting that it was only their 'pressure' that helped keep China in line.

But their almost always biased pronouncements and suggested remedies tend to make disputes less likely to be resolved in the first place.

So, quite perversely, the west first help to aggravate and worsen a crises with their needless and biased meddling, and then go claim that it was their intervention that helped to prevent a full scale shooting war from developing. And now they are using this perverse cycle as a rationale to butt in where they have no business.

My prediction is that America's involvement will make the South China Sea more volatile and dangerous instead of bring peace and freedom of navigation. Because surprise surprise, American involvement has nothing to do with peace and stability in the region or freedom of navigation or any other high minded notions they use as excuses for their presence. The American involvement is aimed solely at China, and seems more like the petty payback of a president who feels the Chinese did not worship the ground he walks on enough for his liking, as antagonizing China so directly is hardly good for America's national interest.