How many drones does PLA have in its arsenal? Do they have like drone brigades? Similar to fighter brigades?
PLA currently has more than 2500 combat capable planes. What is the number for high end drones that are not tiny suicide or dji like drones. Let's say similar to wing loong or other large drones.
Also how many are they adding each year, so that we can get a sense of how much the arsenal is expected to grow in the future
We don't know, is basically what we can say I think.
Or well, we might be able to say that the numbers isn't in the 1000+ probably likely not under 100 either, but what it is between that?
Don't know, I would make an uneducated guess with it being at the lower end say 200.
Oh, and the above isn't something like DJI level small drones or something like switchblades, but actual larger drones for either reconnaissance or equipped with more ordinance (and capable of flying a lot higher than the smaller drones I wrote earlier).