If it were any other country, they would leave out the part about how it can't fry an egg.
Author has no technical background.
If it were any other country, they would leave out the part about how it can't fry an egg.
Author has no technical background.
If it were any other country, they would leave out the part about how it can't fry an egg.
Before Anyone gets uppity note the Author states these are blinding lasers meant to damage equipment and or blind a enemy.
hmmm... WJG-2002. looks like MwRYum was right.
Before Anyone gets uppity note the Author states these are blinding lasers meant to damage equipment and or blind a enemy.
hmmm... WJG-2002. looks like MwRYum was right.
Bloody ell..I want one!
Why do they need a scope on it?