Not technically a laser, but a directed energy weapon nonetheless. Since we also post railgun information in this thread I decided not to open a new one.
This is the Chinese active denial system. It has a range of 80 meters on default setting but could affect targets 1000 meters away after boosting the power level. Some experts believe that it may be installed on Maritime Surveillance ships for use in the South China Sea.
2015年7月16日-7月25日在北京举行的国防科技工业军民融合成果展览上,由中国工程物理研究院展出的 “低空卫士-Ⅰ”(图1)激光拦截系统是一种采用激光能量射束击落“低慢小”航空器的新型安保装备,系统集指挥控制、雷达探索、光电告警、激光打击于一体,可以实现对目标的搜索、捕获、锁定跟踪和击落。
Isn't that the "anti drone" laser from zhuhai last year?
Maybe they are developing a bigger system for both the army and navy for point defense against subsonic cruise missiles.
Chinese laser weapon on display at Beijing Weapons Expo.
Maybe they are developing a bigger system for both the army and navy for point defense against subsonic cruise missiles.