What does XZ stand for, and what is the box-looking machine on the of the jeep?
What are the odds that when the company got liquidated, the design and schematics was sold to realise whatever cash that it is worth for the liquidation, and that's how the Chinese company obtained it?China has 2 types of MRAP. One is called VP11, the other CS/VP3. The development of VP11 has a long story. VP11 is based on the American "Protector". Protector is based on the "Cheetah" MRAP by Force Protection (a division of General Dynamics). Cheetah in turn is based on South Africa's RG-31. Long story short, Force Protection sued the company that was supposed to make the Protector for IP theft, and forced that company to go bankrupt. The Cheetah, however, did not make it into production either. The design of the Protector though, somehow ended up in the hands of some Chinese company, so now we have the VP11.