Chinese infantry fighting vehicles


Tyrant King
There're plenty more options that maybe can't penetrate the armor, but do just enough to jam the turret. Then shot trap would matter.
First it’s an IFV based vehicle not an MBT as such it’s not armored to the same degree. Generally anything of greater than 30mm has a good chance of penetrating. Even 30mm might get through some spots. If you are firing APFSDS-T 30mm and if doesn’t AP well it’s not large enough to wedge the turret. Remember the whole point is to be a sub caliber rod. It’s going to hit at high speed and shatter. With a little stub sticking out.
Second if a tank fired at it they wouldn’t waste the rod. They would let it have an HEAT or AMP or if a British tank HESH round. That has the size to wedge but would probably just blow the vehicle apart. But if they confused it for a tank and let the rod fly. That rod would penetrate go in one end and out the other, Like fecal matter through a Water fowl.


Training simulators for the ZBD-04A IFV.



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New video with close ups of the new 8x8 ifv.

The original source on Kuaishou:

https:// www. kuaishou. com /short-video/ 3xhbw568p4z6y7e

I uploaded the video on imgur as well just in case:

https:// imgur. com /a/ NGqbqqD
Some things I noticed.

1. I think there's a RWS or coaxial MG on top of the main gun, but it appears very low profile and flat. I think most RWS I've seen are very high and tall. Maybe it's something else, or maybe it's just lower profile?

2. There's a module block that appears between the second and third set of wheels that sometimes is there and sometimes isn't in pictures and videos of the new 8x8.

3. There's an increase in height, a "step" up along the chassis right before the turret.

4.There's some rectangular protrusions towards the back on the side of the vehicle, I think those are extendable equipment storage racks right?

5.No clear view of the back starboard side of the turret, so can't confirm by78's theory that its a retractable ATGM launcher yet.