Interestingly the Recon Battalion in the 112nd Brigade(LZ37) is the 7th battalion among all the battalions rather than the 5th in all the other CABdes
Tracked combat recon vehicle based on 89A chassis

7108, 7th Battalion, 1st Company, 8th of the recon vehicles

First gen 4x4 light armoured recon vehicle since the formerly 112nd Division was the pioneer of the Digitized Combined Arm transformation,
later 4x4 light armoured recon vehicles all based on 2nd gen Mengshi(CSK131A) or 3rd gen Mengshi(CSK182)

Tracked combat recon vehicle based on 89A chassis

7108, 7th Battalion, 1st Company, 8th of the recon vehicles

First gen 4x4 light armoured recon vehicle since the formerly 112nd Division was the pioneer of the Digitized Combined Arm transformation,
later 4x4 light armoured recon vehicles all based on 2nd gen Mengshi(CSK131A) or 3rd gen Mengshi(CSK182)