Is there any good resource on Hypersonic cruise missiles by China? Looks like US might be fielding theirs Ina few years.
For cruise missiles (shorter ranged) there is only DF-100 that's been leaked to be in service and the H-6 carried air launched missile.
I guess these two types are sort of the
known with photos and officially leaked types of ARRW/ HAWC and Zircon attack range equivalents. I would hazard a guess and say China's hypersonic weapons development is greater and deeper than what is shown since we only know about the ones that China and US officially have reported on and they don't report or know all of them. For starters, China has hypersonic wind tunnels with no equivalents outside of China. The JF-22 tunnel (or whatever it's called) is about the size of a hydroelectric plant and uses some serious chemical explosives as part of its function. The only kind in the world at this size, speed, and power requirement.
China also has so many world leading supercomputing facilities with some of the best supercomputers. It's also a global leader in academic research in AI and practical development and use of narrow AI.
As much as I think missiles like DF-ZF (DF-17), the mysterious H-6 air launched ballistic missile which surely carries an HGV due to there being simply no point for such a large booster air launched MaRV, and DF-100 are all more short to intermediate ranged hypersonic weapons (ballistic missile range definitions), the Chinese equivalent to HAWC and Zircon has not been leaked publicly yet but due to its short range and usefulness against ships, I would suggest that such a weapon is certainly in development and testing if not in service. Something like that is arguably a little simpler for China than it is for the US and Russia.
Hypersonic propulsion China is one of, if not the leader in. China readily leaks new tests and test flights of exotic hypersonic propulsion vehicles, even one it recently flown and landed (reusable craft). Leaks news about new breakthroughs in sodramjets and combined cycle engines. China has been testing scramjets for hypersonic weapons and craft for at least a decade with news of breakthroughs every few years. Again all those wind tunnels, supercomputers and armies of engineers are a helpful boost.
Even Xiamen university did a novel glide vehicle test for some academic studies into dual shockwave glide hypersonic flights. This is a second rate (in China), non-defence affiliated university and they are doing world leading experiments in hypersonic flight (note that a leading Australian engineering university also have done HGV experimental flights with US DARPA). The top dogs in Tsinghua, Harbin, Beida, Zhejiang, and the numerous defence universities and CAS! are playing with much more exotic stuff by that point already (years and years ago).
Combined cycle engines, again same breakthroughs after breakthroughs, tests after tests. To think PLA wouldn't have demanded a short ranged (ballistic missile range definition) scramjet or otherwise powered hypersonic missile for antishipping mostly? Something like that is simply too easy at this point.
Lets also not forget China leads in guidance, targeting, and communications technologies, not a centimeter behind the US at all. I have yet to see the US be able to use supersonic near space drones or satellites perform live microsecond accurate navigation and targeting for mach 10+ MaRV onto small moving ships from a missile launched 5000km away. And yet China's done these things with ASBM since 2010s.