Spoilers if you haven't seen the movie.You're damn right, fresh from Weibo:
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Someone's daughter and her best friend just switched from cosplaying Elsa and Anna to Nezha and Aobing. This thing has enough of a gravitational pull that I strongly think it will bend the way Nezha's story is told from now on. Like how Nezha 1979 was the de facto canonical image before with the androgynous look and ripping out of tendon, from now Nezha and Aobing are friends and the alternative "he killed Aobing and then killed himself" telling will become the minority.
What I find even funnier on Chinese social media is all the parents who took their kids to see the movie and cried their eyes out together when Nezha's mom died, afterwards the parents promised to love their kids more and the kids promised to be more filial. See? The correct way to promote family values!