Chinese-European transport helo project


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... right that moment, the official unveiling ceremony for the first flight at Mariagne:

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finally airborne !!


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regarding Mi-171, basically talks about a domestically assembled Mi-171 getting delivered. The deal was signed in 2007 and I think they did some testing on this. It's produced by Sichuan Lantian helicopter limited company, which is formed by Mil and 5701 factory to provide production, sales, customer supporter and maintenance service. Starting from this year, this company is now producing Mi-17 series according to Russian standard. The main duty is Mi-171 for PLA (looks like the first assembled one is for civilian). Ulan Ude delivered a Mi-171 kit in May and this was assembled and passed flight test by June. Right now, it looks like they are just assembling from the kit, but they will be incorporating more indigenous contents later. They are talking about producing 1 per month here, but I think they gotta be producing more than that in the future once they get familiarized, because even Z-8 series is getting produced more than that.

俄制米171型直升机. 北约组织给予绰号"河马"(Hip)-H。是俄罗斯乌兰.乌德航空生产联合公司生产的一中新型直升机。该机可以在极坏的气候、地面能见度低或高纬度的地区条件下安全飞行和着陆。,它是米-17的现代化改进型,性能可靠型比米8和米-17有显著提高。新机与1998年开始研制,1991年开始生产。该机可在悬停情况下装卸货物,舱内设有货物固定装置 . 动力装置 两台伊索托夫设计局TB3-117MT,尺寸数据 旋翼直径21.29米尾桨直径3.90米,机长(旋翼和尾桨转动)25.35米,机身长(不包括尾桨)18.42米,机宽2.50米,机高(至旋翼桨毂顶部)4.755米,主轮距4.51米,前主轮距4.28米,客舱容积23米'。重量数据 空重(带设备)7100千克,最大有效载荷(机内)4000千克、(外吊)3000千克,正常起飞重量11100千克,最大起飞重量13000 千克。性能数据 最大平飞速度(最大起飞重量)250公里/小时,最大巡航速度(最大起飞重量)240公里/小时,实用升限(正常起飞重量)5000米,悬停高度(无地效,正常起飞重量)1760米,航程(最大标准燃油,5%余油,正常起飞重量)495公里。

米17系列军用直升机,目前大量进口列装在我陆军航空兵十个陆航团中,担负陆军空中突击的运输任务,目前已进口了200多架,但这对于中国陆军来说还远远不够,还需大量装备才能提升陆军的空中突击能力。中国陆军目前有18个野战集团军,按一个集团军编一个陆航团计算,就还差8个团的飞机,另外像新疆,西藏军区等军区也需耍各一个团,由此可见,在未来若干年内,中国陆军航空兵对这种中型武装运输直升机需求量是相当大的。这是继中俄苏-27SK合作后的最重要的一个航空合作计划。想想昨天引进组装的苏-27SK, 看看今天的国产歼11B的战机的技战水平和国产化生产规模,你就能展望国产米171直升机的明天......


Senior Member
will the eurocopter be serving in the PLA? looks like something that the military might need. or are they staying with Mi-171?


Senior Member
will the eurocopter be serving in the PLA? looks like something that the military might need. or are they staying with Mi-171?

The EC175 helicopter is 7-metric-ton class between the AS365 Dauphin (4/5 metric tons) and the AS332/EC225 Super Puma (9/11 metric tons), while the Mi-171 is EC225/EC725 class.


Lieutenant General
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will the eurocopter be serving in the PLA? looks like something that the military might need. or are they staying with Mi-171?
The EC175/Z-15 will probably end up in PLA service - with the PLA's history of militarizing "civilian" eurocopter choppers and co development/production of this one just increases the likelihood EC175/Z-15 will join the PLA...
I'm not sure what exact niche it will fill though - one may think it may be a PLA "blackhawk", being used for the navy, army and air force, but it's MTOW is right now just too low, unless they put in better engines or modifies the airframe a lot.

I think the PLA will be sticking with the Mi-17/171 for a good few years, until the 10 tonne helicopter we've been hearing about comes into service, which will probably be along the lines of a blackhawk, or maybe NH-90.
On that note, does anyone know what kind of development stage the 10 ton chopper is at and/or when it may enter service and/or production?


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This is the talking about the first raining exercises of the year performed by the 6th Independent Regiment located at Qingdao, Shandong. The units here are 9xx6. It says this is PLAN's first naval helo regiment. It has at least 4 Z-8JH (95x6) and several Z-9Cs (96x6) from this set of pictures.
  1月6日11时38分,海军航空兵山东半岛某机场停机坪上,各类保障人员和车辆整装待命,飞行员在地勤人员的陪同下正在认真地检查飞机。12时整,随着一颗绿色信号弹腾空而起,旋翼飞转,马达轰鸣。飞行指挥员、团长赵鲁英手持话筒指挥着数架舰载直升机相继离开地面飞向蓝天,拉开了海军某舰载机部队 2010年首飞序幕。




  记者 张伟 摄影报道 通讯员 鄢润波 胡宝良


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HAIG delivering 2 Z-9s (not sure which variant) to Kenya. I'm really not sure which variant or what the total count is.
2009年12月29日,中航工业哈飞喷漆车间接到了两架直9的喷漆任务,要求在2010年1月3日交付。这两架直9是即将交付肯尼亚、承担飞行员培训任务的直升机,如果不能按期交付,将会影响哈飞的信誉和形象。接到任务后,喷漆车间抽调技术骨干,每天干到深夜12点。当车间领导动员员工元旦加班时,大家表示,“我们不能休息是小事,按期交付直9可是大事。我们保证完成任务!”除了生产车间,公司工艺、设计、质量、供应等部门也都安排人员配合生产,确保节点任务顺利完成。1月1日至3日,哈飞20多个单位和部门、700余名干部职工放弃休息加班抢进度。这期间,直9、运12等机型的零件生产是相关单位面临的重任,针对品种多、数量大的具体情况,机加车间将任务落实到人,并派专人检查落实加班情况,保证生产进度和效率。(吴庆梅 文 赵长文 摄影)


Senior Member
The EC175/Z-15 will probably end up in PLA service - with the PLA's history of militarizing "civilian" eurocopter choppers and co development/production of this one just increases the likelihood EC175/Z-15 will join the PLA...
I'm not sure what exact niche it will fill though - one may think it may be a PLA "blackhawk", being used for the navy, army and air force, but it's MTOW is right now just too low, unless they put in better engines or modifies the airframe a lot.

I think the PLA will be sticking with the Mi-17/171 for a good few years, until the 10 tonne helicopter we've been hearing about comes into service, which will probably be along the lines of a blackhawk, or maybe NH-90.
On that note, does anyone know what kind of development stage the 10 ton chopper is at and/or when it may enter service and/or production?

The Mi-17 and the EC-725 are in the Blackhawk weight class, so the PLA can modify the Super Puma design in that direction. The Z-15 would make a good light ASW helicopter, it does carry more than the Z-9.